
one of the worst CGI movies to come out of japan.I can not grasp that this movie was a boxoffice hit.I could have sworn that the monsters were taken from the Power rangers series.
Bad acting (with an incredible annoying Dororo),inconsistency,bad CGI,and a 5 yen climax choked this movie to death.I hope that you peeps have enjoyed this movie more than i did,cuz i lost a few hours of my life.


I agree this is not very good

I give it a 5/10

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn



"there are better Asian flicks out there"

Well Dororo is JAPANESE. You can't lump all of Asia together when stylistically film is so different from culture to culture. Dororo had a very distinctive Japanese flavour and despite average effects I challenge anyone to find a Hollowood film with half as much creativity.


I really liked it. Pure camp with the power rangers CGI and over the top acting. A bad movie is one that takes itself seriously but comes off real cheesy, like this crapfest I watched a couple of months back called The Restless. Dororo was pure fantasy camp from the beginning and I enjoyed it for just that. Anyway, I can't wait for the sequels, because now I gotta see how it ends.

They're making you one of them, my peacock...



Oh, big difference of opinions. Other than the fact that the two lead actors for the Restless displayed poor acting skills, they had absolutely no chemistry together. And unless I was watching the wrong movie I picked up a pretty distinct plot in Dororo. The Restless' plot was so convoluted and messy it would have been better had it had less of a plot. The only good thing that could be said about The Restless is that effeminate clownish guy who hammed it up.

As I said earlier, Dororo is meant to be a tongue in cheek campy film. I'll give it to you, some of the CGI could be better... but for what it was (a fun popcorn, Wu Xia flick) it was pretty good.
I was entertained while watching it.

They're making you one of them, my peacock...



I'm sorry, I wasn't quite clear on the "my opinion" thing, can you clarify?
Honestly, I got it that it was your opinion (obviously you didn't notice the first sentence of my post... "Oh, big difference of opinions"), I was reiterating and discussing how I felt about the movie as compared to The Restless.

What really confused me were the actions of the father. For a man who gave up everything including his own child, a man who murdered his own wife without any remorse, a man who openly and confidently said he will never regret his decision all of this to rule the world and in just a few minutes after trying to kill the son he fed to demons without a glimpse of sympathy what does he do? He regrets his decision.. WTF?

Honestly, I wasn't expecting that much depth from that sort of movie. Had the genre been different, had it a more serious, melodramatic tone, than I also would have wanted to see the father show more regret about his decision. But it wasn't... and he didn't... he turned because the script called for him to. Simple as that. Expected from such a light movie.

I guess you and I have different appreciations for movies but for me Dororo was atrocious...

I guess we do. Even if I were to go so far as state Dororo is a bad movie, atrocious would be too strong a word. Atrocious to me is Pink flamingos, Ichi the Killer, The Guinea Pig Films, etc...

As a Korean I can personally say the actors for The Restless did a notable job.

What does you being a Korean have to do with anything? I'm part Korean, was raised by just my Korean mother in a Korean community, attended a Korean church, does that make me less of a judge of Korean actors? I've watched Korean/Chinese movies from when I was little, and have been an avid Korean film goer for years... how does your ethnicity constitute you knowing more than I whether they were good actors or not?
In that line of thinking, I guess neither of us have any ground to stand on, judging the Japanese actors in Dororo.

They're making you one of them, my peacock...



Whether the movie would have been more melodramatic or not a film such at that should have called for more then a spur of the moment regret just to move the story along. He murdered his wife with no remorse. He fed his son to demons and that same son he was ready to fight to the death yet in an instant he suddenly has his regrets. It left you with nothing to hang on. Where were the dramatics it so desperately tried to include within the first hour?

A film such as that? What were you expecting from it? Was it not obvious to you within the first 30 minutes what type of film it was? But I suppose if I was expecting more from the movie than what it gave I would have been disappointed as well.

I don’t know why you would take atrocious so offensively....

I don't take it offensively, I just thought it was a poor choice in wording, but to each his own, right?

Most people who put down the acting in a movie don’t know the difference between American acting and Asian. If the language isn’t understood then there could be confusion. That is why I said that. No need to get so hostile

Me hostile? this is funny, coming from the person who had to clarify their opinion with such a vigorous use of quotations as if I didn't get "your opinion" the first time. Certainly I didn't mean anything hostile by what I said... quite the contrary you came off hostile to me with your initial response to me. I suppose I just find it ridiculous when people put forth the notion they are better to judge something based on race or understanding of language.

Most people who put down the acting in a movie don’t know the difference between American acting and Asian...

You should have asked me first if The Restless was one of my first venture into Korean films before assuming I don't know the "difference" (if there even is a difference) between Asian and American acting.

And let me clarify, I am not trying to be hostile. I just wanted to have a discussion on why I liked the film.
If I come off as hostile than I apologize.

They're making you one of them, my peacock...





I agree!! Due to a few praise in reviews here, I wasted 2 hrs of my time (thank God it didnt cost me anything & 4sure Im not buying the DVD now!) The first 19 minutes was pretty good up until the silly woman playing a girl's role came in. Satoshi Tsumabuki and Kou Shibasaki showed horrible chemistry and the character Dororo is silly and annoying through the ENTIRE movie. And, she looked much too old for the part! W/o her the movie would have stood a better chance..."or" w/ someone who looked the part & didnt try so hard to act downright ingnorant. 4pts for a good ending.

'My goal is to be as nice as my pets think I am'


It's pretty good actually, aside from the CGI, I gave it a 7/10.




one of the worst CGI movies to come out of japan ... I could have sworn that the monsters were taken from the Power rangers series.
Can only agree with you OP. This is a shocker.
i lost a few hours of my life.
Me too. I wonder whose idea it was, to make this seemingly extended episode of Monkey, almost two and a half boring hours long, especially when the "story" as such, was better suited to trailer length. One can only shake one's head in disbelief.🐭
