My Wish

I wish all the liberals who swore they would move to Canada if Bush won actually followed through... America would be a much better place.


And Canada would be a much better place too! While you are down there having your rights taken away and living under a constant terrorist threat caused by your own government, I will be up north with the Liberals enjoying frredom and accepting humanity! Send em up!


A much better place? Why, are you opposed to the opinions of others? Do you not believe in democracy? Would you rather Bush be a dictator? "If this were a dictatorship it whole would be a lot easier."-George W. Bush


On the contrary. I am very open to the opinions of others. And those of us fortunate enough to live in Canada are as well. Sure, we're not a perfect country, there will always be closed minded individuals. But just from an Average Jo's point of view, Mr. Bush seems like the one who is opposed to the opinions of others...unless of course that "other" is God...they seem like bosom buddies!


The first time they said this or the second time?

And they will say it again the next time a Republican wins.
