MovieChat Forums > Unan1mous (2006) Discussion > Like I Said Last Week: FAKE!!!!!!!

Like I Said Last Week: FAKE!!!!!!!

Alright, for those who were born yesterday, here's another of the many reasons why this is fake...

The situation that happened on this second episode is totally unrealistic. It is unrealistic in the real world with real people (whoever doesn't see that clearly has no understanding of the world he/she lives in), but even more unrealistic in a "reality" show.


Those who cast the people for a reality show, especially a show like this one, will make sure they pick people that will fight a lot (the minister with the homosexual was a good attempt by whoever wrote the script...however, the second episode made absolutely no sense [by the way, how come in this episode they talk about having been there 2 days, but in the first episode it's said they have no idea what time it is? One of many plot holes!])

They'll pick people that will guarantee entertaining tv and, in this specific case, people that will guarantee more than 2 half hours of episodes. They wouldn't take the risk to have the show ended before it started.

Now, some people could say "testicular guy is the only actor" (wait, haven't you seen how terribly the other actors act? Pamela Anderson deserves an Oscar next to them!)...Ok, but I've told you they wouldn't cast people like that, and I've told you the human behaviors/situations/script were unrealistic; and why would all those other "real" people decide they'd give somebody $1.5 million for no truly valid reason? Are you telling me if you've been there for 2 days and could win $1.5 million, you won't fight at all for it, you'll just let this go so you can leave as fast as possible?

And why would those people, who apparently wanted to be in a reality show so bad they chose one they had no idea what was about, want to quit the show so fast? Why did these people decide to participate to a reality show to begin with (and a mysterious one)? Why would those people who want to be on tv do all they can to leave, after 2 days where there clearly wasn't real tension: if there truly was tension in there, no way would they all have voted for the same guy! For it to be tension, there needs to be a lot of fighting, and those people need to be fighting for a true reason, such as the desire to leave with the money! Have you ever heard before last night of tension between people that leads to unanimity? It just doesn't work this way! Whoever thought of this stupid script needs to learn basic psychology before creating characters/situations!

(By the way, it's common knowledge that the vast majority of those who participate in reality shows do so for fame [as brief as it may be] and/or money/prizes. Those contestants on this show are all different from the contestants on other reality shows? Really? So why are they there?)

And why does the mental guy stay there if he can't win anything? I mean, if it's such a hell, if there's so much tension in there everybody is in such a hurry to leave (such a hurry they'll give the money without fighting for it AT ALL - again, what the hell are they doing on a reality show if it isn't to either become famous or earn money?), why would he wish to stay there? Vengeance? HE TOO VOTED FOR STEVE, HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO GO AGAINST ANYBODY!!! What's his point of remaining there? Or is he the only one who desires to be "famous"?

And who is stupid enough to mention to tv producers "secrets" that could get them arrested (fake bankruptcy comes to mind)? And even if it can't get them arrested, who's stupid enough not to know that certain "secrets" will be used against them during that show?

Having said that, I go back to the most important...

They're trying to make a show: they wouldn't take people who would make it a risk for the show to be ended after only 2 episodes! Come on people who believe this show, prove that there's a brain inside your head!

PS- I could go on and on, there's still so much left about this show that makes no sense.


Entirely true! Always nice to see smart people on these boards!



This show is getting faker and faker by the minute :D



If you haven’t noticed all reality shows are fake and resemble reality in almost no way at all.
I agree that Unanimous is a poor excuse for a TV show, but seriously... if you hate it so much stop watching it! Unless you're one of those weirdoes that has to solve the conspiracies of the world, then go on ahead.
Just Stop Whining!


You're an idiot. The only one I see whining here is you.

I don't whine, I'm amused, as everybody here is (but you, apparently). I watch this show because it makes me laugh.

Other reality shows are presented in a deceiving way, but the people are real, NOT actors. In this case, they are actors, and bad ones. The script is extremely bad. The whole production is the worst I've seen on tv in years.

I've come here to say it was fake right after the first 10 minutes of the first show aired. People said I was a troll. Now, everybody sane agrees it's fake. Thanks for the "how tv works" lesson though, I obviously learned something from you. The fact that I can always rightfully tell what's fake from what's not, and tell right away what will be cancelled before the end from what will not, obviously must mean I don't know how "reality" tv, and tv in general, works.

PS- I'm in video about you?


Wait, you created a new nickname just to post this to me?

LOL, you're probably one of the idiots who was calling me a troll that first week!
