
Hasn't this show only been running for like 2 weeks? Or maybe only 1 week?
And yet they already refer to themselves as "family" and having "close bonds".
Why do people on these reality shows talk like this?
How the heck can you be "like family" after knowing each other a couple of weeks at most? And that's not even taking into account the fact that this entire show is supposedly based on lies and concealed truths.
What a bunch of idiots.


hahahahaah it has to be one of the worst shows ever


Actually, if you listen to them talk, at some point they're talking about how it's only been 2 days since they've begun...

It's sooooooooooooooooooo fake...those who wrote this script don't even have a clue of how humans behave, it's pathetic. Even more pathetic is people believing this is real.





Only 2 days huh?!
Well I didn't watch much of the show...
That's pretty lame then. This has to be fake. Nobody would act like these people are acting after just 2 days.


it's fake?
