MovieChat Forums > Unan1mous (2006) Discussion > And so what if it's fake?

And so what if it's fake?

It doesn't matter if the show is real or fake. People apparently like to watch it and come here to talk about. That's the bottom line. Hate isn't the opposite of love, indifference is. And people on these boards really don't seem indifferent to the show, so the producers have a winner by default. If no one posted here...if no one cared whether it was real or fake...if no one gave a damn about it, the show would be a failure. Every post validates the show. Remember the old saying in Hollywood..."There's no such thing as bad publicity."

Pro wrestling is fake, yet people enjoy it. Even "Gone with the Wind" was fake. They didn't really burn Atlanta in it. It was special effects. Even many documentaries, which are supposed to be real, alter or edit the content in a sometimes fake way for entertainment value.

Fake doesn't equal bad, necessarily. Just ask my secretary with the fake boobs or my assistant with the toupee. (And no, they're not one and the same.)






Yes...yet another reason why it's fake.

However, may I remind you that not everybody is claustrophobic, and that they are not forcing anybody to stay there?

