MovieChat Forums > Unan1mous (2006) Discussion > OK , So the show seems fake...

OK , So the show seems fake...

But, will you stop watching? I probably wont. It is like a train wreck you just got to look!


It makes me laugh, as does those who don't see how fake this is :-)


It has to be rigged. Check out the review I just posted.

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I'm not going to be watching anymore. After the second episode, it's really clear to me that it's fake, scripted imho.



Come join my Paul Giamatti group -


Are you that much of a Loser that you are personally offended because you think the show might be fake???? Its entertainment....Get a Life!!!


of course its fake.It's not just a coincidence that they saved the vote that ruined their chances of going home,for last to make it so freakin suspenseful

~We're all in this together!~


It wouldn't surprise me if it was fake, but the example you gave doesn't really mean it has to be. No doubt its more than coincidence that the last vote was the vote that threw off the unanimous voting, but that doesn't meant he votes were rigged... just the order they were read in. IN other words I'm dang sure that the producers of the show ordered the voting balls in the order that best created "drama".

All in all, is an interesting show, but the reactions of some of these folks makes no sense.


The vote thing is the BIGGEST sign that it's fake. When they close up the little vote balls and drop them in the chute they roll down in front of J.D. Roth. He has (supposedly) no idea what each vote says because *he hasn't opened them yet.* So the fact that the unanimous-breaking vote is always the last one is not only a HUGE coincidence, but total *beep*


None of that proves the show is fake. They could have done the show more than once with different people and picked the best one, or it could be good editing.

You have to remember, they cut a lot out. They show probably 24 hours in 30 mins. As for the order of the balls, they could have some kinda of sorter that can read all the balls by RF transmitters or it could be edited or something could be cut thats not important to the plot.

I'm not saying its not fake, I'm just saying those things dont prove it is.


Also, on Survivor, Jeff Probst has already said that they order the votes so it reaches a climax. It's not like he's randomly reaching in for a vote so there's no reason NOT to assume that they are doing it here as well. It's not a sign that the show is rigged but just a sign that they have taken liberties to build and heighten the drama
