MovieChat Forums > Unan1mous (2006) Discussion > So who else was waiting for everyone to ...

So who else was waiting for everyone to reveal it was a hoax?

I kept waiting, even after Tarah "won" the check, for everyone to single out someone (Steve preferably) and declare that it was all just a Joe Schmoe knock off. Even with 2 minutes left til the end, I was waiting for a confession.

Even AFTER Tarah does the staged "pause and look at the surroundings with fond memories, then exit stage left" I was waiting for it to be revealed to the viewer that it was all a poorly done set-up.

Nope, no explanation. Maybe I should wait until the papers hit the stand tomorrow morning? What a completely horrible ill-conceived excuse for a show this was! I'm surprised Arnold Shapiro doesn't sue JD Roth for producing a cheap Big Brother knock off (with bad actors to boot!).


Yeah, that's what I was waiting for.


Aussie Stud, this is the second one of your posts I've replied to-seems you and I are on the same wavelength. I kept watching the clock, trying to figure out how much time it would take to give away the money AND reveal that it was staged. :-)

Everyone has one special thing.


You would have to actually still be WATCHING this claptrap to be waiting for them to reveal the obvious.

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