MovieChat Forums > Black Sheep (2007) Discussion > Not funny, Not gory, oh dear

Not funny, Not gory, oh dear

Yet another film that I gave up on around 30-40 min mark.

Not only was the acting diabolical to put it mildly, it wasnt funny, it wasnt that gory either, incredibly tame for a 15.

My biggest dissapointment is, the guys from Weta workshop had anything to do with this pile of smeg.

I did fast forward the last part of the film to see if anything interesting happens, and it doesnt trust me, dont be a mug like me and rent this crap.

How dare they compare it to shaun of the dead, sotd was amazing and shows that yet again british films are quality.

I`m not surprised it was a "blockbuster exclusive" - no other rental company wanted it probably.


I must've watched a completely different film then..............


Not that gory??? You're right. You definitely gave up before 40 minutes.

Shaun of the Dead was just ok compared to this amazing and funny film.


I have to agree with gandalf storm on this one as I indeed did give up on the film around the 30 - 40 minute mark. It wasn't like I was expecting a masterpiece or anything as the film's title derives from a baaaaad pun, but sweet baby jebus, this was baaaaad (the synopsis on the back of the DVD case used the 'baaaaad' pun several times. Eck). Not since Chief Brody's phobia of water in 'Jaws' have I seen such a ridiculous phobia (I love 'Jaws' by the way; top five blockbuster film). I mean, the lead character is spooked by sheep because his jerk older brother pulled a sheep-scare prank on him, dressing up in sheep's clothes. If you can suspend your disbelief past this, and most of us can in this horror-comedy genre, then you should be able to move on past the first five minutes. But no, the whole freaking movie centers on the lead character's constant growing phobia that sheep are evil as sheep do indeed become evil, mutated evil, thanks to the jerk older brother's experimenting labs and services.

So if you read thus far, you are probably thinking this film doesn't sound too baaaaaad, but let me assure you that the acting, script, and 2-D characters are horrible. I feel like the screenwriter was more concerned with special effects and baaaaad puns than with true character development driving a potentially solid story. Instead we are left with something that tries to be as funny and horrific as Sam Raimi's 'Evil Dead' series, but never gets close.

I really wanted to like this film as I do enjoy the horror/comedy genre. I loved 'Shaun of the Dead' because even though it didn't take a rocket scientist to notice that the film was highly inspired by George Romero's work, often using specific moments in his work, the film worked because the characters rang true, and we cared for them. 'Shaun of the Dead' could've been highly cliche given it's inspiration, but it thrusted refreshing angles to the zombie film. I'm sorry, but you can't just replace sheep with zombies and think you are adding something new, especially if we don't care about the characters.

In regards to another comedy/horry film, I didn't really care for the characters in Peter Jackson's 'Bad Taste' too much, but I didn't hate them. There was something genuine about them and the way the story progressed, and I watched the whole film, enjoying it throughout. In fact, Jackson at least added some very cool camera work and absurd story beats, even with a low-budget. Perhaps, the budget is yet another reason why I couldn't give 'Black Sheep' any slack; they had help from Jackon's high profile special effects company whereas Jackson's earlier work was made through much determination, putting in countless hours with blood and sweat. I don't see any of this sparkle or motivation in 'Black Sheep'. I just see a script that was funded for a potentially funny concept.

Given that, I do love film, and I do love New Zealand. But I do not love this piece of cheap sheep crap. Maybe when the bad taste has left my mouth will I give it a second chance, but this sheep tastes bland.


I respect your reasons for not liking the movie. All except the thing about his phobia. His brother didn't just pull a silly prank... He slaughtered henry's favorite sheep, and then wore its butchered bloody corpse...which I at least find more disturbing than "dressing up in sheeps clothes". And also, you have to take into account the fact that Henry was a little kid when this happened, so it affected him more than if he had been an adult. Hell, i'd have been horrified as well. Also, the fact that his father's death occurred right after probably helped contribute to the trauma.

But as far as not being funny. Wtf, Tucker was *beep* hilarious!


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I think a lot of people on this board appear to have taken it far too seriously. At no stage did i think, or was I lead to believe that it is anything other than a complete parody.

I also think it has some very funny moments and it was gory enough for me.

I love the hippy girl and Tucker was a laugh as well.


Funny, not overly gory - but enough blood to retain a level of interest for "serious" horror fans and not bad at all...

Probably a better production than the early work of Peter Jackson and look where he is these days...

Pour shame all over us, harden into a crust...


No Gore?
Are you sure you watched the this movie? Last time I checked people getting their intestines pulled out & eaten while they are alive was kinda gory.

Under the burning sun
I take a look around
Imagine if this all came down


can you people not come on here and say the film is *beep* when u say that u gave up after 30 mins. it gets much more funnier and very gory after that point when a lot more sheep become zombies. so I'm my opinion you don't have an opinion.


personally I don't think it ever got particularly funny as most of it's humor came off stale....the concept was good but other wise it was slapdash....even when things got gorier it wasn't even that gory


What a waste of my time watching this. Not funny, and not funny.


I don't think people should be making full on reviews of a movie they stopped watching after 40 minutes. It's slow up until the sheep start attacking and then it gets gory as ever.

Also taking the "phobia" seriously is a little ridiculous too as it's supposed to be a tongue in cheek horror film. He was tramautized as a child. Up until then he was the county's best shearer or his brother screwing with him really helped make him scared.

I liked the film and everyone IS entitled to their opinion.....but usually to have a valued opinion you need to know what you're talking about. Watch the full movie then start making comments.


It was all right. Wasent the greatest but i can give a little. And it was pritty gory. But what was up with that ending where they light the sheep on fire. With Natural Gass no less, that was kind of stupid. But it was overall ok.. Dident love it but dident hate it.


i watched it and just kind of though 'oh is that it?' i would not rush to watch it again as it was not funny, scary or even that gory (except for the odd bit), nothing really happened in terms of storyline and none of the characters were developed beyond the bare bones.

i am so glad i did not pay to see this as i would of been very dissapointed.

Last 5 Films I have seen:

Black Sheep 4/10
Dog Soldiers 8/10
Halloween 2007 4/10
Hancock 5/10
History Boys 7/10



I thought it was reasonably funny in parts. There are a few funny moments in the film, definitely some dark moments too. Overall i thought it was worth a watch if you like films like shaun of the dead or evil dead, its in the same vein as those films but it never reaches the same peak as either of them.


The sheep phobia was supposed to be tongue in cheek. It's spoofing the same device used in other movies, for example, the fear of water in Jaws that was previously mentioned.
"Knowing how the world works
Is not knowing how to work the world"


How can you say it wasn't gory? There were plenty of gory parts. You guys must have been expecting like Dead Alive or something.


Gore only don't make a good movie. I liked black sheep.
Of course I did not *beep* my pants in fear, I did not vomit my dinner, I slept very well after watching it, and did not even laugh loud during 1:30h
But I have seen so much worse movies I'll say this one has just enough gore and enough fun to reach the "good ones" level, including many things I liked in other horror comedies.



This film was extemely "Meh...". I had high expectations but it didn't deliver. I think the foundations were there to make a far, far superior movie than what was eventually put out and that's what bothers me the most. So much potential but just didn't fulfill it. Not a terrible film, just disappointing. For the record, Shaun Of The Dead is streets ahead. Now that's how you horror-comedy!


This film was extemely "Meh..."

exactly. it was "ok". entertaining enough to keep me interested through the entire movie, but other than that, a big disappointment. i didn't really have "high expectations"(i mean seriously, how great can a movie about zombie sheeps be? comedy/horror or not?) but i was expecting more from the film. it had its comedic moments, and the gore wasn't over-the-top like good comedy/horror's should be. overall, there just wasn't a whole lot there. if you've seen all the great comedy/horror's and are looking for something new, it's worth a watch but nothing more. just don't expect a whole lot from it.


a complete crap movie, bad acting, bad dialogue, not scary, not funny. Just nothing. I give it 1 out of 10 (for the scenery...)
