MovieChat Forums > Black Sheep (2007) Discussion > Favorite scenes you laughed out load at!...

Favorite scenes you laughed out load at!!!!!


Examples of fav scenes that made me laugh out loud:

1. The sheep drives the car!!!!
2. After they jumped out of the car there's a sheep standing there next to them. they ask "is it a good one or bad one?". the sheep answers with a FART, hahahahahhahh, GENIUS!!!!
3. The scene at the end when Angus wanted to get infected again - they start eating his penis HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
4. When the guy and the girl are in that cave crawling but Experience can't keep going so the guy starts saying "you're a tree" and all that and she gets relaxed. And you hear a fart. The guy says "You didn't need to get THAT relaxed". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
5. When Experience points the gun to the two guys and one of the guys says the trigger is still on and convince Experience to give him the gun ..... HAHAHAHAHA!!!
6. Experience and that guy is in the cave and they have just the lighter on and then they hear a sheep and the lighter is put out by the guy's scream, ahhaha!!
7. When Experience and that guy (I forgot his name!Lol) is stuck in the barn with Grant (the sheep) and Experience says "What's in your face, Grant. Is that blood? Have you been eating meat? Was it even organic?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Brilliant!!
8. When the sheep starts humping the guy!! (Ok, didn't laugh out LOUD, but still ..)
9. The guy who lost his leg and threw it at the sheep!!! HAHA!!
10. The ending of the movie.. the fart, hhaha

I can't believe I'm saying it, but this is the first movie where the farts were hilarious!!!!!
Genius writers of this film!!

Now, continue the list!!!


When the guy gets his foot bit and then he takes off his shoe and his foot is a sheep foot. This movie is *beep* weird.


Oh, yeah, I forgot about that scene!!!!!!! :-D


* The Fart scene was hysterical!
* When the business party on the lawn is being attacked, a woman screams "I'm a Vegetarian"
* During the party, when a sheep is licking its lips.


OMG, I missed that moment when she said she's a vegetarian!!!!! :-D
Thanks for sharing!!!! :D


one of the first sheep attacks where the guy get tackled out of nowhere from the sheep!

reply part!!


When they threw the mint sauce on the were-sheep and it burned like acid.


But eats Haggis!! Mad Sheep disease...oh, yeah!

Just sitting there among the zinnias, but the old Chinese man sold it to me anyways. For $1.95.


Experience is in the Kitchen with Henry and Muldoon. The kitchen is splattered with blood.. Experience says "Oh my God! The fung shui in this room is terrible!"


When Tucker shoots the sheep trying to bash through the door then says 'Bugger me.'
Had to rewind and watch that bit again :D


Zombie Sheep fetus biting the guy's ear was priceless.


when the sheep smashes through the door


When the sheep tackles people. Priceless! :D

Congratulations, you've just killed your girlfriend with your ****.


- When he explains his phobia, "it's an irrational fear that something like this will happen!"

- The chainsaw, which I'm surprised I didn't see mentioned. The fact that it takes him two minutes to figure out how to get it started, and then it just flies from him hands cause he can't control it.

- When they're making their escape, the old lady hits a sheep, and Experience goes, "Yeah!" Just forgetting she's a vegitarian for a moment.

- "Is that blood? Did you eat meat? Was it even organic?"

- "You were bit?" "By the hippy." "You'll become one of them!" "A hippy?"


"3. The scene at the end when Angus wanted to get infected again - they start eating his penis HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA"

LOL!! - I was dying laughing at that part. It was out of the blue and just plain stupid! His wee-wee stretched before it snapped off followed by his high pitch scream, "HEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Common sense should tell you when ravenous, devouring sheep eat you and you're ass naked...your penis is right there at their mouth!!! That's their appetizer!!!
