I didn't get it...

can someone explain this movie? i feel like i wasted 100 minutes of my life on this flick. what was real and what was not? what was the deal with the baby? alot of this movie was dialogue, not really going anywhere. very confusing, like a bad ju-on/ringu wannabe


****sorry spoilers here!!!!****

on what medication was she crunching?
and what were those bones in the baby crib?
was she crunching her baby bones.
did her husband left because of the baby died?
well this movie left me with a lot of questions.
I didn't get it.



The whole movie was about a mysterious diesease that was spreading through tap water. It caused the drinker to go insane, but not realise until it was too late. In the end, they always killed themselves.

The main character had been insane since the start of the movie. She just didn't realise it, and niether did we.

The medication she had been taking was not actually medication. She had been eating her baby's bones.

It is unknown whether her husband left her because of the death of her baby, or whether she killed it at some point in the movie.

I thought this was a good film, just a little strange and confusing.


I did not get the flashbacks of the ex-husband: He remembered the young girls funeral-ceremony and the moment when Kyoko asked about the woman in front of them ("who is she?") and he answerd "My coulege, Shino Minoura". In the flashback-scene the woman in front of them is old but the first time we saw the scene she was young.

What does that mean?



As I understood it the husband was insane/sick as well; the woman may have just been a familiar of the dead girl and completely unrelated to Shino- Shino was never really at the funeral, I understood it as her already being dead by then and the husband seeing ghosts (which was one of the symptoms of the disease).

At least, that was my interpretation.

I'm still clueless about the baby though (had it died before or after the husband left her? Did Kyoko kill the baby or not?). I guess she was chewing on the baby's bones all along.

And one thing I wasn't clear on- the girl that tried to hang herself but Kyoko saved (I forget her name), was she alive or dead at the end? They showed her sort of trying to... break her own neck? I thought she'd died but in the end the doctor and the husband speak as if she was still alive? That confused me. XD
