diaper head?

Okay, so I'm willing to give dance movies a chance. I mean they can be kind of fun even though it's not my scene. But give me a break (and not as in breakdance). The lead, this DJ character is, what's the word ... whacked.

This dude is ultra cool and wears a diaper on his head, a cap on the diaper and a hoodie on the hat! C'mon! This is Georgia?! One moment he's dressed for snow and the next he's not wearing a shirt.

Also, a note to the ending ... are all the other members of theta gay? How come he's the only shlub to have his girl run up on stage while the other dudes are more into hugging each other?

Last, these guys spend 4 weeks and learn at least 5 routines or more down to perfection, while attending school, while working jobs? I'm impressed.

AND check out DJ's girlfriend. Breaks up with her X at dinner, spends the night out sulking, shows up at his doorstep and is apparently all ready for a new ride. The word slut really pops to mind when I think of her.

I know it's Georgia, but how about a better x-section of the demographics. It just ads a bit of credibility to a story line. We are a mixed racial society here people, don't you think producers and directors need to start taking that fact into account?

As to the movies technical aspects. For the most part I thought it was okay, but why if the dance moves are so good do we get such crappy photography? Hand helds and jerky in/out shots with WAY too many slow motions and up angles.

To the quality of the actors. I felt the script was so bad that they didn't have any material to really portray what talents they may have had.

Guess that's my rant. Flame away if you loved it, but before you do, explain the silly diaper and why ANYONE would wear it ... and then wear a baseball cap on top of it?



First I feel like ur puttin a lil 2 much n 2 the movie.. But.. The movie is shot at a black college.. That's why you don't see a whole lot of different races.. Steppin started @ black colleges.. And is mostly dun in the south n african american communites.. As far as the "diaper".. Its a durag (dew-rag) not a diaper.. Black men wear them 2 either get waves n their fades.. Make their hair lay straight.. Or jes to hold their hair down period..


Thanks! I'm enlightened as to the durag, but then why wear all the other junk on top of it? As to being at an all black college, I wandered around Shaw University in Raleigh a bit, and you're right about the lack of diversity. It's a huge and dramatic shame that such campuses are so narrow of field of ethnicity and culture ... which is why most of the country has never been introduced to "steppin."


do-rag's are typically thin so they won't give you much warmth. but i am pretty surprised to see that you're not being sarcastic or anything you're actually genuine in your response.

I'm bringing sexy back!


Hi Delzog, some people wear hats and things on top for fashion reasons, may not be your type of fashion but for some it is, like women who wear wigs and extentions in their hair, one could ask why do they wear all of that on top of there real hair. Also HBCU's(Historical Black Colleges & Universities) Came to be due to the rascism this country suffered. Blacks were not allowed to attend white colleges and were denied education. Since then the financial support is not there like white universities and thus the schools suffer in enrollment and also diversity. I went to a predominantly white college in the north and actually tried to teach some of my friends there steppin, lets just say it didn't take. This was back in the early 90's. I have come to see things change though. There was a national step competition here in ATL about a month ago and an all white girl sorority won it.
