'step' moves question

Ok the movie was on again and I like it, more than what else was on TV at least, so I watched the end again.

So...I don't step or dance at all really....so I don't know. I just don't get why the move at the end where the Thetas win it was this death blow. I mean sure I couldn't do it and I get that its hard but it just seems like with a whole fraternity of like 20 guys with you, you could do something as a group that would be able to at least match the like slide on your elbow thing that was done.

Anyone who really knows about hiphop or steppin able to tell me why this immediately ended 2 different battles?



Am I right...!? It was "the appearance" of DJ sliding on one elbow from one side of the stage to the other the hardest part. I agree TEAMEltonBrand_DerrickRose...


