Surprisingly Good

I just wanted to write a quick message and back up the people who say this movie's IMDB rating is undeservedly low. I saw this movie completely by accident, because it came on after another movie I was watching on cable. I'll admit I wasn't expecting anything, but I thought it was really good. It's not one of the greatest films ever made, but if you go into the movie and don't expect it to be perfect, I think you'll have a good time. I thought everyone in the cast did a good job, and the editing during the stepping sequences was amazing. They really did a fantastic job with that.

I'm sure there are people who disagree with me, I'm just saying give it a chance. I was pleasantly surprised, and you might be too


Agreeeeed !!


i agree very entertaining it even better than you got served!



To my surprise I LOVE THIS MOVIE and love the actors portrayal of their characters! Topping my list (but must say I enjoyed the entire cast), Ne-Yo/Rich Brown, Jermaine Williams/Noel, Columbus Short/DJ, Harris Lennix/Uncle Nate, Valarie Pettiford/Aunt Jackie.

Wanted to see it in the movie theater, but didn't make the time to.

The low IMDB rating you mentioned may be the target audiences were teens (guessing) and maybe many deeply profound messages from this movie were missed.

At 40+ I found it very impressive the subtle ways the writers and Columbus Short communicated the maturing / evolving of DJ.



Same thing happened to me. I was watching 4 Weddings and a Funeral and this happened to come on next. I meant to turn it, but not in time to see the beginning which got me hooked. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, and felt it capture part of the college experience for the Black community. I gave it a very high rating. I'd watch it again!


I thought this was a very watchable and well made movie. The editing and camera work was slick and stylish. The dance scenes were great. The movie just worked and its easy to watch till the end because they kept the story moving along and there was alot of good supporting characters (like DJ's roomate).


This movie is a bloody disgrace. I'd like to hear a justification on how this movie is any different than Drumline or ATL? They're all basically the same movies--just replace a marching band or roller-skating thugs with step-stomping fraternities. Hell, they don't even switch the venue from "Hotlanta"--it is like there is a factory down there producing this garbage.

Of the trifecta (and there might be more copycats that I'm missing), this is by far the worst of the bunch. As other posters might have mentioned, there is no comedy in this movie, the acting is atrocious and the script non-existant. Drumline is at least a "guilty pleasure" and ATL at least has *some* enjoyability. This movie tries to be morose and dramatic but comes off as contrived and lame with EVERY cliche in the book. Moreover, the direction during the "dance" sequences is shaky and sore for the eyes. It tries to be slick but ends up becoming a vomit-inducing collage of poses.

To those (few) arguing about racism--look at the ratings of movies like Boyz n tha Hood and Menace II Society. I loved The Wood. But there is a difference between a well-made black film and a movie made for the sake of a target audience looking for a cheap thrill. Stomp the Yard falls into the latter category. A cheap trick not even worth watching on a cheap date.


I just finished watching this movie and although it was really cheesy it was entertaining.


The movie was good and it entertained me. I do agree however that it has a close storyline with Drumline.


So we agree Stomp the Yard is a blasted joke?


So just to get this straight drexeltoker, are you bitter that people are saying that they actually found this movie to be more entertaining than expected? No..I don't think WE agree that Stomp The Yard is a 'blasted joke'. It's an entertaining movie and it seems that not everyone has to share the same opinion as you. Weird huh?


ctarheelgurl: i think i just stated the obvious. the low rating kind of backs it up--and i just pointed out other similar films (ATL) that are also bad but at least better than this unoriginal drivel.

of course anyone can like this movie, and far be it from me to be bitter in that it took me a year to come back to this thread! truth is, i don't care...i just thought this movie was surprisingly bad as have the majority that have watched it--plot, acting, dialogue--just bloody awful.
