MovieChat Forums > Stomp the Yard (2007) Discussion > if this movie was about an all WHITE sch...

if this movie was about an all WHITE school...

...There would be outcry from everyone who wasnt white screaming "racism racism" from the rooftops! but its alright to have an all black collage??? if there were schools for "whites only" we would never hear the end of it.
sorry to seem blunt..but its true..and i sick and feckin tired of people who arnt "white" callin us racists all the time when THEY are the rasict ones!!
"im a put-on-a-show kinda girl"


The only reason there are predominantly black schools is because not to long ago, blacks were not allowed equal education, let alone attend schools with whites. So they founded their own universities. Anyone can attend these schools.

It's not racism. You happened to watch a movie where the setting was an HBCU. Therefore you should expect to step shows and battles because that is part of the culture.

There are plenty of non-black members of historically black fraternites and sororities.

If I recall correctly, the movie "School Ties" did not have a black students. It was not racist.

There are plenty of movies and shows that have an underrespresentation of a certain group. Just consider the target audience, and the background of what you are watching.


if there were schools for "whites only" we would never hear the end of it.

what a dumbass. these aren't "blacks only" schools. anyone of any race is free to apply there, and many non-blacks do choose to go to historically black colleges.

of course i doubt people like you would ever choose to go to one


people like me? ?.... well thats just a silly thing to say without actually knowing me isnt it. .. i may be white but my child please dont play that card with me! ..the only reason i mention is that..when movies are made with all white people..people of colour always have something to say about it,yet its perfectly acceptable for them to do the same. given the chance i would actually rather attend such a school,as most black people tend to be a lot more easy going and alot bloody friendlier (unless there muslim,but i wont EVEN go there)

"im a put-on-a-show kinda girl"




this? which country are u talking about?? im not in the usa if u were under that impression

"im a put-on-a-show kinda girl"



im not "putting up with racism" im in the no..that country that looks more like pakistan now?...

i dont have a signature,simply because i am lazy.


have you seen what happens when a big group of white people get organized together?

i'm white, but come on. white people have their big groups and they turn out to be freaking psychopathic insane people.


You do know that whites can and do attend HBCU's right?



To be fair, given not many white students would want to attend a predominantly black school, it's kind of a non-issue. I'm black, and I wouldn't go to a "black" school. I don't see the point. I make friends based on how much they have in common with me, not on their background.


One of the main characters in Drumline was white and this movie was very similar to that one. Like many have already said, whites are not told they can't go to these schools because they're Caucasian.



Non black people can go to black colleges!

I'm glad Obama won, but I will not jump on the Pro-Choice bandwagon
