The Savages (2007)

The Savages is a very nuance and quiet little film about the journey of two siblings in taking care of their father. It is very well-made, with great cinematography and use of lighting, and the music score is very limited and quiet and only used in poignant scenes. It is very much a character film and study. Both Laura Linney and Philip Seymour Hoffman have great chemistry and deliver two great performances representing their flawed characters. I am surprised at the label as a comedy though. I did think it had a few moments of subtle humor but I wouldn't call it a dramedy at all, and for those expecting an indie film that balanced both drama and comedy in a Juno type of way will probably be disappointed. Instead, The Savages relies in the smooth direction, good writing, and great acting to deliver it's message.


Loved it!
I normally tend to find such movies boring, but this one really got me!
