Not a gem

This topic caring for an ageing dying parent is rarely discussed in movies. There is however much more to it then just dealing with childhood frustrations and the savages doesn't even come near the most serious issues of this fundamental modern life experience. Not a gem, just a mild drama comedy for a very specific female audience.

my vote history:


Why specifically female?

Male's have parents too.

War Horse Film Review!


hi lou

I refer specifically to the main audience of the movie. It IS intended mostly for females, it was written this way.

In fact yes men also have parents and often have to take care of them.

my vote history:



That is kooky talk.


What's cookie talk?

my vote history:


Gee, my apologies...I'm male and it certainly spoke to me...and made me think, and laugh, and cry. But then I've looked after a parent slowly slipping deeper and deeper into dementia. Perhaps what you're implying is that since it's usually the females of the family who end up doing that job, they're the ones who might get the movie.

I think that's a pretty narrow view of humanity, however; there are, believe it or not, quite a lot of males out there - yeah, even straight ones - who like slow, subtle, emotionally complex dramas, at least some of the time. Indeed if you offered me a boxed DVD set of the entire Lord of the Rings series OR this, I would have no hesitation whatsoever in popping this little...well, gem on my shelf


What's a deeper circle of hell, caring for one's parent slowly slipping into dementia, insanity and becoming more and more of an invalid, or being one? Can you stare into the void without the void staring back into you?

my vote history:


Your declining testosterone has made you so sentimental you overlook that the film centers on the ridiculous middle-aged female character, the same worthless hag exalted in film after film made by ridiculous females. Instead of sobbing like a daft auntie maybe you come to terms with your failure as a man to do what was right for your parent, and prepare for your own exit (obviously you didn't have the strength to raise a child who could help)


OMG...timlin4...FU a million times. You're an f'ing, completely senseless moron of the highest order


Either that, or there are some people who immediately dismiss a movie as a "chick flick" if the first billed actor is female (and written and directed by a woman--a double whammy), or simply has two women talking to each other about something other than a husband/boyfriend.

However, this person did watch the movie, so unless a woman made him watch it I would give the benefit of the doubt and say he went into it with an open mind.

IMO this story could just as easily been told with two brothers instead of a brother and sister. In fact there was a similarly themed movie featuring brothers in 1970 called "Where's Poppa", with an old mother instead of a father. I would think a man would relate to The Savages more than a woman would enjoy Where's Poppa.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns
