MovieChat Forums > The Savages (2008) Discussion > The nursing home movie with black-face-

The nursing home movie with black-face-

How could you not just apologize to the staff for picking the movie and say you didn't know? The staff is caring for your parent.

Awesome movie, really. I couldn't get over that though.



He had too much faith that other people would have the ability to simply look at it as something that is a product of it's time. It's the way he is so he thought others would get that but they don't. I usually can do that but was offended by it also. Some pieces of "art" should just die already.

"Thank you for the Dada-ist peptalk. I feel much more abstract now."--Buffy



I agree, but perhaps they were just too embarrassed to even apologize about it.



I didn't realize they had picked it.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!
