MovieChat Forums > Snuff Box (2006) Discussion > Question concerning the celebrities extr...

Question concerning the celebrities extra(s)

Is it true that among the celebrities featured in the extras for The US DVD release of 'Snuff Box' is Jeanine Garofalo? I only ask this because I actually find it to be somewhat curious, I suppose, that someone as ultra-PC as Garofalo would enjoy and appreciate this particular show. I mean I guess I'm just a bit surprised that she wasn't offended in some way by some of the content that was featured within the show, such as the parading around of topless women as 'prizes' for the fellas to enjoy for themselves. Perhaps she saw it as being a bit of satire in some form IDK. Either way I'm still taken aback that a celebrity who often gets as easily offended and pissed off at whatever they personally perceive to be 'insensitive' or 'inappropriate' material and/or comments as Garofalo usually does could ever possibly be entertained by such a show.

Of course it also has very much to do with the fact that I simply do not like or care for the woman in the least bit. And from my point of view her own brand of 'comedy' is the utter antithesis to that of Berry and Fulcher's comic brilliance and inventiveness.

"Life IS pain highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something".


blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...
looks like somebody is triggered by the existence of outspoken women...
