MovieChat Forums > Il mercante di pietre (2006) Discussion > The Stone Merchant, An Important Film

The Stone Merchant, An Important Film

My wife and I watched this movie with some trepidation, because we know the movie industry's biases well. So--great surprise--the Martinelli Film Company is to be lauded for its bravery in standing almost alone in painting a disturbing but true picture of the aims of Islamic Fundamentalism. Instead of a politically correct washout of the issues, The Stone Merchant faced them head on, and I'm sure all associated with the film have suffered because of their courage.

After all, starting with Salmon Rushdie and beyond, doesn't the world know yet what happens to people when they tell the truth about the fundamental aims of this war-like religion? Have you not read the Koran? If not, then you have no room to comment here.

If you are offended by this movie,I suspect that the fatuous garbage that Hollywood normally produces fits you well, because you get your political and religious and social facts from these completely biased sources. For those who are lazy and arrogant, believing the lies that rich, famous, and mostly very dysfunctional people put out on celluloid, you deserve what may befall you for not taking the time to actually check out the issues yourselves. For it is a fact, that the movie industry is intensely biased against Christianity and toward any alternative mystic or exotic religion. It's portrayals of so-called "Christians" are so slanted as to be fantasy. Yet you don't see real Christians putting out "fatwahs" that give followers special rank in heaven if they kill someone who has offended the sensibilities of the faithful.

To say that there are many millions who follow Islam is no endorsement at all. There are many millions of others in the world who are gluttons, or who are angry and discontent, or who don't work very hard, or who have bad relationships with spouses, or who think that pornography is food for the soul. Does that make these activities right? Does the doing of something, and the believing of something make it right? If so, all those people who believed that the earth was flat for so many centuries, which included nearly all the world at that time, were right.

In a world of film that normally portrays Christians as evil, scheming and even stupid, and all other religions, whether animistic, pantheistic, agnostic, atheistic, or just mystic, as reasonable and wise, it is stunning to see this portrayal of Islam written, produced and directed with clarity and common sense. Islamic Jihadists have destroyed the lives of thousands on thousands of innocents in the past few years throughout the world, and continue their crusade to normalize this behavior in the media. Unfortunately, they are very successful, and to prove it, you can just read the columns of most prominent US newspapers today.

Kudos to Martinelli and all those associated with this film, including the most visible, Keitel, March, Molla, Abraham, and all other actors. May your courage give others courage.

Incidentally, the film was also well-written, acted, and directed. It was powerful, and hopefully, against all odds, will get seen by many.


I liked and agree with your comments. In the day after the Catholics paid 600 MILLION dollars in compensation for sexual abuse though, Christianity does have its problems too.

This was a very good movie, with a great message, how easy it is to ignore a threat in favor of sensual or worldly favors. This movie really blew me away.


"to prove it, you can read the prominent us newspapers of today."

Ah, no thank-you.


I think you should think about your the way to development your argument. In fact, I feel offended by this movie, but how to enter a dialogue if this implies that
... "I`m lazy and arrogant"
... "I don`t actually check ressources"
... probably "biased against Christians" etc.

But let`s suppose that you are, nevertheless, interested in contrary points of view, I`ll take a short time to explain why I think the movie is harmful, no matter what`s your judgement about the real dimension of islamic fundamentalism, or your interpretation of Koran (which in fact may be read?/misread? in order ot justify violence)

In first place, there is no such thing as a homogenous "war-like" religion Islam. As Christianism, Islam is split into to most diverse groups which vary from conservative theocratic ideologies to modern an open-minded schools that have no problem at all to maintain an interreligios dialogue with Christians or followers of any other religion (sadly, the latter are still less visible, and - from a global perspective - less in number).

Therefore, while figuering out how to deal with Islam, a general judgement about the very basis of the religion as a whole is a very bad guide. It relies on erronous assumptions ... but even if it wouldn`t: Do you think it is an option to "defeat" Islam and impose another belief to it`s followers? So head out for confrontation, and ... good luck!

Although we are talking about a challenge for generations, the only real alternative is to work constantly on developping interreligios dialogue, respect and understanding. This is NOT a question of political correctness. If want to to "win" the war against islamic fundamentalism, the ONLY way is to look out for allies in the islamic world and strengthen a modern islam in order to change the course of "mainstream" Islam which today oscillates into different directios, and true: some of them narrow-minded and aggressive.

The threat for the western world is not Islam. Instead, Islamic Fundamentalism is a dangerous threat for both, modern Christians AND Muslims.

Only as allies, they have a chance to overcome present threats. A lot of careful symbolic communication is needed in order to foster such a fragile alliance ...

... the movie, instead, heads out just in the opposite direction and is lead by fear and mistrust. Do you think, ANY Muslim could understand it as an invitation to participate in a common effort against fundamentalisitc ideology.

Suppose, the scenario depicted in the movie would be "factually" right ... no matter! It fosters confrontation istead of dialogue. And I prefere to believe in change instead of "being right". Fear, however justified, makes things worse.

I suppose you are Christian, so just one question: In what way would Jesus Christ behave in front of Muslims ... anden even fundamentalists?




The views in this movie stem from an understand of Islam that is offense to many. But having watched this religion for many years, I don't find a lot of innacurate in it. It is also sad to know that other countries are dealing with Wahabism beside America.

I enjoy seeing banter in this thread. However, one must read the Q'ran to decide for themselves where the real issues are. A short time with this book and it's hard to come up with any easy interpretations of some of the commands. There are a lot of calls to violence and war. For every command to do something peaceful, there are eight or nine that command something violent toward infidel. I'd like to see these statements brought out and explained. I can see how it's so easy to use that book to commit acts of violence.

I also find it ironic that someone will comment on Islam and never mention Christianity in their arguments and yet so many of the replies end up attacking Christianity. Today, Christians are murdered for their faith in many countries at an alarming rate. And there are not today, to my knowledge, any Christian armies killing people with suicide bombs or rifles.

So I think keep the discussion about Islam, that is what this movie is about.

Just some thoughts.



Bravissimo garydarcy8952! Very well put. I thought it was a very thoughtful film, with good acting and marvelous cinematography and a stunningly clever plot which used a troubled marriage to reflect the ambiguity in the West's relationship to Islam. This is a great film that probably has been hurt by the public unknowingly lumping it in with the Hollywood antiwar propaganda films this past year.


It is very important to show the true face of islam in movies, unfortunetly the politicians in european countries are a bunch of cowards and won't react to the threat of islamic fundamentalism until it is too late, or when their family are victims of a bombing or assassination. The hardworking and taxpaying normal people of europe doesen't seem to be as important as the muslim population in europe, and the muslims goal is world domination, as in kill all infidels if they do not turn to islam. But people are so blue eyed and so afraid to be called rasist that they don't have the guts to say how they really feel, well at least not in public, almost all of my friends talk so much about how europe treats muslims so bad when thy are around muslims, BUT when they are alone with me or other non muslim friends they talk about how they would want to get rid of all muslims until europe turns into an islamic nation. And they are right in my opinion, but why not bring the problem with muslim fanatics out in the light instead of being afraid to say that "this is a real threat, and we don't want it anymore, we've had it up to here"!!! Well, muslim imams teach hate against westerns, as we europeans are, they teach their children to kill the infidels (us, the non muslims)this is what they teach their children and this is what they preach in their moskes, and what do our politicians say about that? Absolutely nothing, for muslims it seems leagel to try to get them to kill wester and christian people. But how do you think it would be if a priest in a church would tell people to go out and kill muslims in the name of god? That priest would be in prison faster than you could say applepie.

So, think about it, would you quietly sit down and not defend yourself or your family because you are an "infidel" and thus the muslim have the right to kill you? That how it may be in 30-50 years in europe.


religion.... meh you people are not evolving but degradating...
pity for you...


Just want you to know that the final line of your comment has been posted on the front of the Scandinavian edition of the dvd.

"The film was also well-written, acted and directed" - IMDb.

Just saw through it, and while the script has enormous flaws and a dialogue flatter than Denmark, I couldn't turn my eyes away from the incredibly bad digital effects used throughout the film. Yes, it deals with a theme that is extremely controversial and a hot potato of the day, but in such a poor way that it doesn't really have any effect at all in getting it's message through. Couldn't stand the acting either, possibly apart from Keitel and March who were decent, and the movie takes the side of the west in a far to extreme way to get away with it unscathed.



Garcy, Thank you so much for your support of this film. I was blown away as well, and realized anew how relevant this film is, even though seven years have passed since 9-11. I truly am thankful for the actors and others who attached their names to this film because nobody in America's mainstream film business has the chutzpah to speak the truth regarding this issue, or has the fortitude to live with the certain backlashes. This movie was very moving, in some ways similar to United 93 in that there was a big boom about to happen but was being led up to, and there was also a story of humanity and loss that made it slightly more palatable.

The Only Morality in a Cruel World is Chance.

I believe in Harvey Dent.


The fact that your username is 'armd rt wingr' itself shows your bias. Dude, you 'westerners' have invaded lands belonging to the arab, latin americans and the Pacific Islanders for years - the fact that you choose to ignore the wrong that you've done in the past and focus instead on your evil your 'ememies' may be - be they Japanese whose sole crime since the 70s seem to be buying up tour businesses so that they can turn a profit - which is what people like you do by selling substandard goods to the third world, the Latinos whose economies were ruined by your free trade agreements they were forced to sign or the arabs whose land you've robbed by supporting the outlaw state of Israel which was founded by terrorists themselves - not to mention all those corrupt sheikhs you keep in power in return for cheap oil - or the Chinese who are a threat only because they're imitating you but doing it faster and cheaper - I see nothing but hysteria caused by media owned by zionists to make a fast buck in order to profit from war.

'nobody in America's mainstream film business has the chutzpah to speak the truth regarding this issue' - the same way you cowards in the US refuse to criticize Israel or descrepiancies in the Holocaust?

'or has the fortitude to live with the certain backlashes' - hey, 9/11 was a backlash of the highest order. But then again, blowback's a you-know-what, right?

Cheer up, once your economy collapses you can find someone else to blame for the problems YOU and the politicians YOU elected caused - and start shooting each other out of frustration. Now THAT'S a happy ending!


Aren't you lucky that us depraved westerners don't live by Muslim law or you would be in the ground, buried up to you waist and stoned to death or have your head chopped off.

Now THAT'S a happy ending!


In truth i believe this is simply right winged propaganda to promote future "preventive wars" against the middle east. These days 9/11 seems more and more an inside job to me.
The US has been dealing and creating terrorist arabs as old as the first invasion from Russia to Afghanistan in the 80s, Harry Keitel personifying the Afgan warrior fought against ruskys with the money and the military technology they gave to them. The US knew all the *beep* they represented, all the fanaticism from their creed, but at the time, since they were fighting against their rusky enemies they simply gave a damn. So basically a terrorist may be "good" if it does work for you, but totally wrong if he works for the enemy or its own.
Same happened with Saddam Hussein, patronaged, encouraged and supported by Reagan administration to maintain their terror regime but then backed off when he became way to "nationalist" for the oil corporations that originally supported him.

On the other hand its laughable how a christian/judeo christian can preach about peace and nobility? Christians may not have fedayeens but they do support the most sophisticated armies in the world. Pope pious XII gave his benediction to the nazi troops, and most US christians totally worshipped Bush campaign not to say encouraging the most rampant inquisitive measures against their own population?
Christianism a peaceful religion? my ass! in a nutshell, it is the most hardcore bloody religion ever existed in history! Crusades, Inquisition and on top of it the atomic bomb...
Fedayeens may be terrible, but nothing, absolutely nothing is comparable with the destructive capacity of the military industry from the first world, in which the US stands in the very first place and christianism cleverly uses to his own advantage.


As far as I can see, it is the military industrial complex (Eisenhower's term) that uses Christianity to its advantage, not the other way around. The fundamental Christians in this country, the USA, are rallied again and again by those who have profits in their agenda, and couldn't care less for one faith or the other. When will you wake up and see how you are being used?


"Love Thy Enemies"

Try to find that in the Koran/Quran! You won't.


"love one another"...
try to find that through 2000 years of Judeo-Christian values and dogmas... youll find NONE!


Elizabeth I of England put a halt to religious persecutions in the UK.

Trade and diplomatic relations developed between England and the Barbary states during the rule of Elizabeth. England established a trading relationship with Morocco.

For the first time, a Treaty of Commerce was signed in 1580 and numerous envoys were dispatched in both directions and epistolar exchanges occurred between Elizabeth and Sultan Murad III. In one correspondence, Murad entertained the notion that Islam and Protestantism had much more in common than either did with Roman Catholicism, as both rejected the worship of idols and argued for an alliance between England and the Ottoman Empire.

We no longer stone people, burn them at the stake or chop off their heads and we certainly don't brainwash children into blow themselves up in crowded markets or fly airplanes into skyscrapers.

Take a wild guess as to who does.


Elizabeth presided over large scale religious persecution, and supported even more widescale persecution outside of Great Britain


Wow. If I weren't so offended by this thread, I'd find the lack of intelligence, facts and common sense hilarious. But the fact that you guys seem serious is the REAL problem with this country. You use badly researched news bits by Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter and Hannity & Colmes as facts when really they're firing up saps like you so you'll keep tuning in.

But what's really scary is the fact that you assume that all Muslims are war mongering psychopaths. This is completely not true. Most Muslims are peaceful and harbor no love for terrorists. Quite a few of them were killed in 9/11 and a lot of them are being killed daily in Afghanistan and Iraq, just to name a few places.

And for those who put Christianity as the high-and-mighty religion, need I remind you that Christianity, Judaism and Islam are incredibly similar? They're all merely branches of the same religion, just like Catholicism and Protestantism. Although it's a little more complicated than this, they have three different prophets. For Christians, it's Jesus Christ, for the Jewish people I don't think they believe that God has come down to Earth (although I may be wrong about this, and for that I'm sorry) and for Muslims it's Muhammad. All three stem from the Abrahamic religion. It's all about whose bloodline they follow.

Is Islamic fundamentalism dangerous to the world? Yes. But so is any kind of fundamentalism. Any person that places religion over the rights of people or common sense is dangerous. Just look at the documentary "Jesus Camp." The preacher says she wishes her kids had the same tenacity as Muslim terrorists. If that's not scary than you're not paying attention. Intelligent design in schools, hate crimes and the revoking of rights of gays and lesbians, subjugation of women and their rights to their bodies...that's a real threat too. But of course since they're Christians they have a free pass, right?


This is 2016 and the west is fighting ISIS, in Iraq and there are threats and divisions throughout the world. There are many sects of Islam, and some of them are nasty.

Not all Muslims are evil, but there are evil Muslims at loose in the world. I am hoping the Iraqi army can defeat ISIS in Mosul with the aid of the Kurdish Peshmurga, Turkey and other allies.

It is hard to see the end game in Syria, other than a continuing Russian presence and Bashar el Assad hanging on to power. Good Luck out there, ya heah!
