Straight trash

Did a child write this or was it contrived from 1st grade students horror stories of their bus rides home. LMAO even the forensic crime scenes were generic.i can't believe this show was semi popular back in the day tbh


Thanks for stopping by, wasting our time and yours for that insightful comment. you know what? You've opened my eyes! I'm no longer a fan of the show! Thank you!!

In all seriousness man, coming on a message board, of a show you hate, that's been over for three years, just to call it trash? Either you're a troll or just trying to rile up the fans. Either way, pick a different board, okay?

"We dug coal together."
Justified 2010-2015


LMAO the shows garbage why does that bother you because it's horrible


Weak troll is weak.

To Love and win is the best thing. To Love and lose, the next best.


Lmao but your dancing 4 me you responded guliger tunka


It's ironic you insulting the show for supposedly being written by a first grade student when your English looks like it's done by one. Semi popular? This show was huge and is still better than anything you watch, I'm willing to bet.


LMAO u mad because I made fun of a show you like omg how cute
