season 3 miquel

Anyone who also has season 3 as his/her favorite? I thought Miquel was awesome, I was actually rooting for him instead of Dexter. He was like the best example of a psychopath I've ever seen. Charming and everything he said was just *beep* or to get what he wanted. I think he is a way more believable psychopath then dexter.


I agree, for some reason people rank season 3 near the bottom with the other crappy seasons but I love it.



Season 3 wasn't my absolute favorite (Season 1 was), but I liked it better than many people seem to. I'd put it in the upper half at least. Yes, Miguel was a great character. In some ways he was sympathetic, he was also despicable when he wanted to be, and like many real life sociopaths, charming and intelligent. Brilliant performance by Jimmy Smits.


I didn't dislike him, but he was kind of annoying at times. You wouldn't think a well known, well respected person would be so clingy and desperate for a friend. He was clingy and desperate even before he knew who Dexter was.


I remember when there were comments on this board during Season 3 that the Miguel character got too much face time, that the show is called "Dexter" and not "Miguel". I'm glad that opinion has turned around a bit.


Meh, Miguel made watching it like a daytime soap.


S3 was completely *beep* horrible and it was mostly because of not only Miguel but the half assed "skinner"

Miguel was so desperate for Dexter's attention that it got creepy the lengths he went to get his companionship.
