MovieChat Forums > Primeval (2007) Discussion > the descent or primeval?

the descent or primeval?

which is a better horror?


The DESCENT is clearly hands down the BEST Horror movie in a long long time.. The Claustrophobia scenes were excellent, the sense of dread was excellent, everything was excellent right down to the creatures and carnage and best of all: It had a damn good story thrown in.. I highly recommend that The DESCENT NEVER receive a sequel in an effort to prevent the movie from being reduced to nothing more than a lame monster movie.. That having been said, PRIMEVAL simply looked cheap and was nothing more than a straight to the Sci-Fi Channel type of movie shown on Saturday nights.. A 30 foot Crocodile is not going to run as fast as a cheetah chasing some black dude who has a bone to pick with Africa..




Descent 3
Primeval 0

RWF Record: 5-1
Former RWF GM
member of RWF "The Chosen"


decent is a terrible film, primeval hands down!


[deleted] must be kidding right....descent was a boring horror film that took way too long to develop. the lead characthers, though hot, were boring to follow, and the ending was dissapointing. the movie took long to get into horror mode and the monsters weren't anything special or scary

on the other hand

primeval..had some fun charachters that the audience really got to like...(orlando jones is a geat example), a better plot...trying to track a killer beast while trying to survive the other "monsters" on land, better action; the creature was cooler. the film had a better flow and kept your interest level high as it never got boring

seriously descent...women going into a cave, then last thirty minutes monsters show up and kill really intricate, kind of generic and pathetic actually

though primeval is not far from generic with hunters and explorers trying to capture a creature, the fact that the charachters had to deal with the real life civil war in burundi added an extra layer which i think was a plus

the bottem line is that gustave munches on the crappy movie that is descent with ease..



hey homo, why don't you tell me what the great intricate plot was for the descent since you are being such a bitch

second, there was gore in the descent yet it still didn't make the movie better actually the movie really sucks

third you think you know what true horror is...please you are a say you like the descent shows that you like films that put you to sleep...if that is so then i guess that truly is horrific

primeval might not be the greatest horror film on earth, but it truly did entertain...more than that piece of *beep* movie descent

the truth was i was really dissapointed with descent...director neil marshall directs the great horror movie dog soldiers which i truly love, but then makes this mess of a film....and i thought he was going to be the next john carpenter or something....



actually hollywood am .. i didn't look through your other posts to find out that you were gay because i could careless, but now that i insulted you i am glad i got your intention...the same you got mine my calling me dumb and stupid

you talk about me not looking at the big picture...what is this big picture you are talking about...please expound

yes it is my opinion that primeval was a more entertaining film to the descent, but to me it is also fact

but please don't use critics and audience to justify the merit of a film...the merit is ultimately up to you

we all know the opinions and ratings on imdb are flawed and catered to help a movie or destroy it even before it is released...if you look through the posts many people were giving primeval a 1 because of the add campaign BEFORE the movie was released...and we also know that critics arn't always honest as horror websites close to the production of the descent are bound to give the film a higher rating than that of ones not...but critics just offer an opinion, not any better than yours or mine

what you say about the audience draw you do have a valid point SO FAR

Domestic: $26,024,456 58.5%
+ Foreign: $18,442,576 41.5%
= Worldwide: $44,467,032

this is for the descent which don't forget was dumped in the summer movie season which obviously means more of an audience to bank it with than a film made dumped in january

Domestic: $7,716,473

still has a run to make, perhaps...doesn't include oversees and the real wild card is video were films like this do generally good

but like i said a larger audience doesn't make a better film...stranger than fiction for example made less then tagalleda nights (both will ferrell films for example)...yet stranger than fiction is the better film


the descent was great horror, but it wasn't made for people who likem odern horror, it was made to be more 'classic'

although primeval was more entertaining if you are in the mood to watch people just get killed... the descent is a better film and a better horror film. and entertaining in its own right,

quality wise, look at the imdb ratings. the descent is nearly an 8, primeval, although it has it's moments, is nearly a 3



The Descent was the best horror film of last year. Considering word of mouth & the rating on this, I'm betting The Descent has Primeval beat by a longshot.


The Descent was terrible.

Descent = wreck, talking, walking walking walking, small tunnel, crawling, walking walking, monster, stab, walking walking, monster, night vision monster, walking walking. escape.

I have to return some video tapes.



I hope you've finally realized that hollywoodAM is right. How old are you, seriously? The Descent was fantastic, easily the best horror movie in a long time.

You express your opinion, and say that there's nothing wrong with it, yet you bash another persons opinion at the same time? Hmm.

And to all the idiots complaining that The Descent was "boring": You're kidding, right? Do you know why you didn't like it?

1. You're an idiot
2. You were too busy waiting to *beep* your pants in fear, you didn't even pay attention and get engrossed in the movie.

And who was it that called the ending "disappointing"? Did you watch the U.S. version by any chance? The U.K. ending is a million times better.

My name? If you knew that, you'd be as clever as me.


sorry but no. the descent sucked.

by the way, your signature is not grammatically correct.

haha. ok. that was douche baggy. but whatever. anyone who likes the descent is only deserving of some douche bag treatment.

it should be:

"My name? If you knew that, you'd be as clever as I."

ok i'm done.

I have to return some video tapes.


The *beep* is YOUR problem? What are you a nazi or something? Since when does my opinion open me up to attacks?

You're right. You are being a douche bag. If you're going to attack my signature, then why don't you go and complain to the *beep* writers of Layer Cake and tell them it isn't correct? And if we're going to talk about grammar, then how about you take a look at your own posts, dickhead. It's an opinion, it doesn't mean you have to agree with it. *beep* off.

Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job to arrange the meeting.


oooh hostile.. there's nothing funnier than seeing someone get hardcore with the keyboard.

I have to return some video tapes.


well.. except the fact that you obviously care.. when.. i, well, obviously don't. ha.

I have to return some video tapes.


If you don't care, then why bother responding? Twice? Sorry, but I defend myself when attacked over the internet.

Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job to arrange the meeting


correspondence doesn't always imply care. it does imply boredom... in this case.

I have to return some video tapes.


I'm through with this pointless conversation. Don't bother responding, I won't read it.

Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job to arrange the meeting


haha promise?

I have to return some video tapes.




I have no idea how I found my way onto this message board, but I did. And this whole thread pretty much illustrates why I never post on IMDb anymore. People are such *beep* to one another regarding their opinions around here.

Why does he deserve douchebag treatment for liking The Descent more than Primeval? That literally makes no sense. So what if somebody likes it more? It isn't your opinion, you're not the one that has to deal with it. No reason to be a dick about it. Some people around this site really need to learn to grow up. It just gets tiring. I doubt anybody will ever look at this thread again. Hell, I'm commenting on something that was written 3 years ago. But whatever, just felt like getting my 2 cents in.

But since people are in the habit of being dickbags around these parts, I'll join in for the hell of it: The Descent is way better. Anybody who thinks otherwise has no business watching horror movies. At all.

Go ahead, call me a hypocrite.

Everybody betray me! I fed up with this world!


my vote goes for primeval. they both sucked but the descent sucked major a*shole



Liked both movies so a tie :-)



primeval is pimp...hands down!


The Descent had a horrible ending and Primeval wasn't very realistic


The Descent is by far better horror.....
Actually is one of the best horrors I've seen and believe
me I've seen a lot.


The Decent actually scared the hell out of me and my wife. Primeval didn't do that to either of us. Primeval was just kinda "fake" as the croc seemed to be too agressive. I also hated how they make it sound like a true story and that 100s of people died at the hands of this croc. In all, the Decent wins hands down........especially with the extended edition ending....
