I was duped....

I stumbled into this movie with my buddy and sister, completely unaware of what we were going to see. We took a look at the movie poster and figured it was about an actual serial killer, probably something along the lines of a "based on a true story" horror movie, like the Texas Chainsaw-Massacre or something. We had no clue. I mean, the tag line " Inspired by the true story of the most prolific serial killer in history" is kind of misleading.

Instead we went in there and it turned out to be this ridiculous movie about an alligator mixed with serious undertones concerning genocide. It was so ridiculous. All I can say is that I laughed my ass off. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie because it was so ridiculous and random (compared to what I expected). Don't get me wrong, it was a horrible movie, but between the three of us, we had a pint of Jagermeister to help sway our judgement.

So the moral of the story is that Jagermeister makes *beep* movies like this tolerable.

I'm not sure where I was going with this.


I'm not sure where I was going with this.

neither are we- the secret was out about this film before it even debuted--- did you really think there was a serial killer out there who killed 300 people and nobody even knew about it?

oh SNAPS! You just got devoiced!


Exactly. Just because it says "Based on a true story" doesn't mean it had to do with some psychopath. And just for the record, the Texase Chainsaw Massacre never said "based on a true story" either. It said "inspired" and those are two completely different things. Case in point: it did not happen, and was not real. Also, there really isn't anything ridiculous about a bunch of people going to Africa to catch a croc, only to have them end up it's victims. Now, if you want ridiculous, try a film that has something to do with an old guy putting people into traps and cutting puzzle pieces out of them. You know what I'm talking about. And uh, by the way...

about an alligator

There were no alligators in this movie. There was a crocodile, but no alligators.



I was duped by the same tagline. Even part-way into the movie, after I knew they were looking around for a crocodile, I kept my hopes up for some guy in a hockey mask to come at someone with a chainsaw. Is that really too much to ask?

As it was, I was just plssed at the ad for equating natural animal predation with serial murder. A serial killer is a human who gets off sexually on running around killing other humans. Leave my wildlife out of it, dammit!
