MovieChat Forums > America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) Discussion > The Fed and Taxation and this steaming p...

The Fed and Taxation and this steaming pile of CT garbage

When I watched the portion of the movie 'Zeitgeist' that apparently had been derived almost wholesale from AFTF, it was late at night, and my judgement wasn't at its peak. It sounded convincing and truly disturbing.


As soon as I even did a modicum of research, I could have kicked myself that I had believed any of the premises put forth by this movie. It can only be described as a willful effort to mislead by misguided individuals.

Here is some startup information that is easily verified to disprove the facts as proposed by this movie. The factual claims are easily dismissed, therefore whatever truth you garner from it should be likewise interpreted.

The Fed;

Income Tax

The CT's can question the sources all they like. It is easy to disprove the FACTS of their claims. If we keep the debate centered on the factual, then their claims will be easily overturned on their merits.

Conspiracy Theories: The Alien Anal Probe of the New Millenium



No offense, but you're clearly not bright enough to label anyone clueless...especially someone you have had no prior dealings with. Do you have some innate objection to debating based on facts, or are the ad homs all you have in your bag O tricks? My "ill considered ravings" are neither ill considered, nor ravings, but good try. If you'd like to debate on the merits or the facts of a particular issue, then I'm your huckleberry...otherwise do try to be more civil, ok?

Conspiracy Theories: The Alien Anal Probe of the New Millenium
