MovieChat Forums > America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) Discussion > Think of the Further Implications

Think of the Further Implications

Russo's Freedom to Fascism still offers a wide range of implications that still need to be taken to heart. Meaning that although the film takes some tangents to the extreme, the heart of what is ruining this beautiful country of ours is the income tax. I am not one to watch just one piece of evidence on a topic close to heart, as this is, but rather research it and take in all views and opinions. As such then, as the film comments on, there is an astonishing number of court cases both state and federal that have interpreted the 16th amendment as being defined as no new power to tax. As such then the government running our country is in violation of the very document that is supposed to be following.
If you think about it there are a whole slew of other taxes that we as citizens have to pay, the income tax doe not even go that far anyway. The IRS is an entity of fear and corruption that should/ought to be abolished in the single light that it infringes on the right of the individual to persue their ordained right to Liberty. As such then, by confiscating the little money that Americans make they are thus unable to live, especially in these times of government induced hardship. This is above the differentiation between classes, whether your rich or poor it does not matter, we do not labor away at our jobs for nothing.
I am a senior political science major in college and I discuss this endlessly with those that take the same views as I do but more so those who donT. The same fallable logic that everyone seems to have is, how is anything going to be paid for and it is our duty. First and for most it is the duty of the government to respect the interpetation of the 16th amendment and recognize that it does not give the government a new power to tax. Secondly as the film suggests there are a vast array of taxes that we pay, and more so state level taxes as it shuold be.
This film is enpowering to those that see it. That is not to say that people should not take this as everything they consider about the topic but use it as a launch pad for deeper research. Besides the income tax, this movie pairs nicely with Alex' Jones documentary titled Endgame, they both have similar convictions in regards to foreseeing a dominating force controling all of mankind. Anyone remember the SSP talks?NAU?National ID card? I rest my case.
There is a post on here about what can be done, well it is documentaries like this that we need to heed the ulterior message and rally the people out of the shadow that government casts, and take hold of our Constitutionally given right and rise up against the very government that oppresses us.



What are you socialist? Your so blinded by thinkin about your quick quips to realize that I am not in support of any taxation, and yes it is robbery. Dont you think I know that the Constitution doesnt give higher power to the judiciary, I mean come on thats high school government stuff, and as such the only point that I am trying to make is that this country has gotten off on a tangent from upholding the very document that supports our integrity as a country. Of course if it was up to you we should just burn the Consitution on the White House lawn and subject ourselves to a third party entity, am I getting that right?



There is a post on here about what can be done, well it is documentaries like this that we need to heed the ulterior message and rally the people out of the shadow that government casts, and take hold of our Constitutionally given right and rise up against the very government that oppresses us.

The problem with this movie and the several others mentioned, is that its assertions are nearly all false. Regardless of whether you think taxation is right or wrong, this movie provides no real arguments either way. Russo's main weapon is fear. What is needed is reason. If you are interested in a well-reasoned treatment of taxation within the framework of public constitutions, I highly recommend...

"The Power to Tax: Analytic Foundations of a Fiscal Constitution,"
by G. Brennan and J. Buchanan

- Reuben


Assertions in this movie are not false. You WISH they were false, becuase than you can keep living in your bubble without it popping.

Do some research. Read the USC title 26 for starters.


show me your evidence. Sticks m, I have been on this board and I have read through the arguments posted here, and I also went on to look up the information myself. My favorite thread is the one where you battle the drekula person, he clearly states his information and you pass it off by saying what you just said in your post right here.

So prove your argument before you state such things. It looks like you are the one in the bubble because you wish to argue without ever giving any information

there I read that.

But what makes me laugh is how this is the biggest debate on the boards. To me it feels like people are missing the bigger problem. We are freely giving up most of our civil liberties and people either don't care or don't take the time to find out.

I look at the patriot act and I just saw how a lot of our liberties went out the window, do I think they will enforce all that they say on that act? no. But the sheer fact that they are allowed to do the things on that act angers me. What I didn't like about the video is that it goes to great lengths to make viewers believe that the government will do what they say on that video. So the government has the right to inject us with vaccinations without our free will, they can wire tap us, they can look at our internet activity and our library books. Do you think the government sits back and spies on all of us at all times, no way that would take so much man power. Do you think if they started enforcing mandatory injections that there won't be an uproar? I do believe that there are some websites and some books that are flagged, but they would be something specific.

But hey, guess what when they first passed this act I knew all about it. It wasn't private, but the majority of the American people chose not to look it up and now here we are with a ton of people saying WTF. Acts can always be repealed all it takes is a lot of people to fight against it. Thats why I love being in America the first Amendment still stands true and is our strongest weapon, but once again in times of war we give up as much as possible just to have a false feeling of safety.

Another major issue I have, that was mentioned but never went into is that corporations own everything. I mean everything. I think they are the ones who use the most of are information that is spread around for their own benefits. Corporations have so much more power than we give them credit for. I remember what my high school teacher told me about the presidential elections. He said do you know what a person needs to become President? The media. They control this, look at Rupert Murdoc and all he owns, and imagine how much influence he actually has over the American people. He isn't alone in this, there are more people, but corporations are harder to track down as each of them keeps on acquiring more and more business.

So right now, forget about the argument of income taxes and think about who is really trying to run your life.

