Marvel Animation Age can confirm reports that Wolverine and The X-Men will not be returning for a second season. Whether Marvel Animation will officially announce the end of the series and the reasons for it remains to be seen.

In further recent Marvel Animation news, a second season of the acclaimed Wolverine and The X-Men animated series will not be happening for as-of-yet publically disclosed reasons. Marvel Animation Age confirms the recent report that Wolverine and The X-Men will not returning for a second season, although Marvel Animation has not yet made any official announcements on the series coming to a close.

Nothing is true, Everything is permitted.


Why do I get the feeling that we could be getting an "Ultimate X-men" series announcement in the near future?

Sundance:"I'll go"
Butch:"This is no time for bravery, so I'll let ya."


Or, God help us, they'll finally make the solo Wolverine series they've always wanted to make. :(

You know, I can't help finding it funny. After all the hype that went into this show, all that buzz about how great it was going to be, how it was going to be the definitive X-Men series, the most nuanced, honest, purest, sincere X-Men series of all time, and yet it ultimately ends up being a flash in the pan.

At least now this show's God awful interpretation - or misinterpretation - of Cyclops/Scott Summers can fade away & disappear into obscurity where it belongs.

But I will miss Nightcrawler that magnificent bastard.


Well, this the reason given by Joe Quesada, Arune Singh, and Josh Fine at Marvel Animation panel for the cancellation :

Fan asks about Wolverine and the X-Men Season Two. They have "unfortunate news". They were unable to work out the financing for the show with their financing partner, and will not be moving forward.

Doesn't make much sense , since it did well in the ratings and i find hard to believe that they to secure the funding.

Anyone care to enlightened me on the production of cartoon.I know TV show mostly live on ratings.Even a critically bad show with high rating can get renewed.

Nothing is true, Everything is permitted.


A bit of update from at the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo convention.

Additionally, Fine mentioned he knows how the Wolverine and The X-Men animated series was originally planned to conclude and is exploring options on how to provide that information to fans of the series.

Well, at least Josh Fine is trying to give some closure.It's good since it wouldn't leave fans high and dry. Hopefully a straight to DVD movie or a graphic novel to end it off?

Nothing is true, Everything is permitted.


This is good news to me. When I first heard what the title was going to be I said to myself, "I hope this show gets canceled after one season." IMHO WATX took too many aspects from the movie verse and from Evolution instead of trying to go in it's own continuity.

When a new animated series gets made, they better focus on every character equally and bring back the atmosphere that made the 90's cartoon successful.


I'vr always hated Joe Quesada :P

anyways yeah they did not try to make there own version they borrwed heavily from the movies since they think they needed the movie stories for the people who are not hardcore to indentify..

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


I agree with you to a point. I would much rather prefer that Wolverine, although an amazing character in his own right, should take more of a backseat in any X-men series. The show should focus on the team as a whole, not be a singular character love fest. I think this series did establish a lot of strong supporting characters in various episodes throughout the first season but then any momentum they started to gain was stopped abruptly by yet another Wolverine themed episode.

Logan is best utilized as a strong supporting character and occasional star. That's what made him so great in the 90's series and even "Evolution". He wasn't around ALL the time. When we did get to see him it was like a well deserved treat and he almost always stole the show. He's a loner, not a leader. At least not the X-men anyway. X-Force, now that's a different Now, I'd love to see Wolverine lead the X-Force in a DTV feature. But as for the next(if any X-men) series, I agree that each character should be featured equally. And the title should not contain any singular characters in the title lol.

Lets just hope that whatever the future holds for any potential X-men shows that Deadpool will be brought in like he was supposed to for this show's second season.

Sundance:"I'll go"
Butch:"This is no time for bravery, so I'll let ya."


I'm sick of this happening. Shows I like always end up getting cancelled after one season.


I had a feeling this was going to happen. No progress on the second season for more than a year and a half. Oh well hopefully if we're getting an Ultimate Spider-man show, we might get an Ultimate X-Men one too. I loved the comics up until that awful Ultimatum storyline or whatever it was called.


I just hope we get a new X-men cartoon to replace this one... With more Emma Frost. I enjoyed a lot of things about this series, Wolverine being the main character not so much. It's the first time I've liked Cyclops though.

"And she may cry but her tears will dry, when I hand her the keys to a shiny new Australia!"


How the hell did this happen, though? It was a great show that liked almost universally. You'd think the studios would be busting their asses to make more episodes.


Somehow NOBODY wanted to finance another season? Wtf is Disney doing?


Im surprised that Iron Man: Armored Adventures got picked up for another season and not this show


They're gonna do an Ultimate X-Men? Fair enough, since that's what I thought Evolution was gonna be, anyway. As long as they don't wussify it, then that's okay. I just think it's a terrible waste, not contiuing this show.


I was just assuming they might do an "Ultimate X-men" series, depending on what Disney/Marvel decide. I'd like to see Disney step up and finance the series then move it over to Disney XD. Where both "Wolverine and the X-men" and "The Spectacular Spider-man" should've been in the first place back in 2008. Think about it, if BOTH shows would've debuted on Toon Disney at the time then we could've been waiting for season 3 for both shows by now.

Sundance:"I'll go"
Butch:"This is no time for bravery, so I'll let ya."


dude I agree 1,000% I really liked this version of the X-Men, and the one thing that pisses me off more than it being cancelled, is the Second Season was going to be the Age of Apokalips, I've always loved Apokalips as a villian, more so than Magneto, and at the end of the Season 1 finale to see Sinister, and Cyclops standing their in the AoA costumes...I was like, YES!!! a proper viewing of the AoA storyline... the briefness that is mentioned in the original X-Men series (the 90's one) it never touched upon, and Evolution it wouldn't fit. But I could have worked in this one since it was have present day and half future events

Sorry, two's company, and three's an adult movie.


Fantastic news unlike the spectacular spiderman i hated this show with a passion it was by far the worst xmen series out of the three. poor characterisation and development and poor plot development (that rover episode nearly made my insides churn so unbelievably predictable and corny as ****).


Well, I guess they couldn't please everyone.


It's the first time I've liked Cyclops though.

Why? There was nothing about him worth liking in this series. Even his origin episode sucked.


What is there to like about him in other cartoons? He's generally portrayed as a goody two shoes 2D character. At least here he isn't always goody two shoes. This is a sad day though, and strange... what happened?! This was Nicktoon's highest rated program?


What is there to like about him in other cartoons? He's generally portrayed as a goody two shoes 2D character. At least here he isn't always goody two shoes.

At least in other cartoons he's generally well intentioned. Here he didn't even have that. Not being a 'goody two shoes' all the time means nothing when you're nothing but an incompetent douche whose only purpose is to be at odds with the resident Gary Stew, who in this case is the overrated Wolverine.


Exactly DarthBill, take evolution for example he was as much a goody two shoes as any other member of the team. He had a set of morals, beliefs, issues and character that extended beyond jean grey unlike this show where all you hear from him is "jean, jean" to the point where absolutley nothing else matters.

Then you have other butchered characters like comic relief forge or storm who has far better leadership qualities then wolverine but after the mansion exploded instead of trying to keep everyone together ran off then came back for the sole purpose of being angel's love interest. They made Wolverine (who's my favourite xmen) as the interface to almost everything in the show. He was the one who always saved the day, he was the one one that had all the dialogue with the villains and the professor, almost no detail escaped him and every decision was made by him. The other xmen couldn't even stand up straight if wolverine wasn't there to help them.


Exactly DarthBill, take evolution for example he was as much a goody two shoes as any other member of the team. He had a set of morals, beliefs, issues and character that extended beyond jean grey unlike this show where all you hear from him is "jean, jean" to the point where absolutley nothing else matters.

Exactly. This version made little to no effort to show him as having any concern for the others or even having any kind of growth.

Then you have other butchered characters like comic relief forge or storm who has far better leadership qualities then wolverine but after the mansion exploded instead of trying to keep everyone together ran off then came back for the sole purpose of being angel's love interest. They made Wolverine (who's my favourite xmen) as the interface to almost everything in the show. He was the one who always saved the day, he was the one one that had all the dialogue with the villains and the professor, almost no detail escaped him and every decision was made by him. The other xmen couldn't even stand up straight if wolverine wasn't there to help them.

I know, they didn't even try to explain why Storm didn't step up after the big bang, which I find highly offensive. Even the filler episodes are dominated by Wolverine while the other X-Men are benched. "Code of Conduct" was also highly offensive. The X-Men battle Mr. Sinister, Sentinels, Magneto, a bad future, but they can't handle some stupid ninjas?


HAHAHA! Yes! I am so glad! This news is great! This has just made my day! This was a god-awful show with nothing but butcheries. I am so happy this got completely scrapped and canceled never to be seen again.

Fact: 31.5% of IMDb users wanted Avatar to win Best Picture.
Fact: 31.5% of IMDb users are idiots.



Y'know SciFi, I was gonna say something similar to zombiehax a few days ago, but decided against it, so thank you for doing it instead.

And yeah, any character flaws or questionable adaptations present in this show are NOTHING compared to the Resident Evil movies that zombiehax loves so much (and that anyone who has a problem with them are gamer nerds: actual response he made to me when I called him out on it at one point).


Honestly, I'm anything but a Wolverine fan, if the guy was at a party, I'd probably never even notice the guy, unless he was cutting my coffee table in half. It's almost like I've been watching a different series because Wolverine didn't seem forced to me or any more important than anyone else in the series. It's not even like they make it seem like he wanted to be leader. I mean, it's also kind of the point, if someone like Beast or Storm was the leader, there probably wouldn't have been as much drama as there was.

I just don't see why people can't get past characters and actually look at the plot. Maybe it's just American Comic book fans being American Comic book fans...

As for Evolution Scott, I think you guys lost me on his new personality traits outside of the goody two-shoes attitude, Jean desire, and the relatable teen attitude they put on everybody.


It's the first time I've liked Cyclops though.

Why? There was nothing about him worth liking in this series. Even his origin episode sucked.

I don't usually like Cyclops because he's always the goody-two-shoes teamleader in love with Jean. In this series however, he was a mess. He was also tempted by Emma Frost which is very human and I'm a huge fan of her character. Taking a backseat to Wolverine made him interesting to see how he acts when not in charge and honestly, his darker outfit appealed to me a lot. I always thought his classic blue & yellow costume was just too much in how it screamed "I'm a superhero!".

He's still not my favourite X-men or anything, I think his power is rather dull but if/when they make another series, I hope they have Scott & Emma instead of Scott & Jean. Two goody-two-shoes together is the height of dullness and I've seen it all before.

I don't read the comics or anything so this was the first time I saw Emma Frost.

"And she may cry but her tears will dry, when I hand her the keys to a shiny new Australia!"


I don't usually like Cyclops because he's always the goody-two-shoes teamleader in love with Jean. In this series however, he was a mess. He was also tempted by Emma Frost which is very human and I'm a huge fan of her character. Taking a backseat to Wolverine made him interesting to see how he acts when not in charge and honestly, his darker outfit appealed to me a lot. I always thought his classic blue & yellow costume was just too much in how it screamed "I'm a superhero!".

I've said this before and I'll say it again - this whole not being a goody two shoe thing is B.S. because he was a complete loser from start to finish. It didn't make him more "human" or "real" or "interesting", it made him a caricature, a stereotype, the one guy who doesn't like the boss because he can't stand how much better the boss is. He never won one for the team or himself. There's nothing interesting about a character who's basically doomed to fail over & over, and that's pretty much all he did in this series. His half assed origin episode all but stated that his whole life was nothing but a series of falling down over & over again.

As for being "tempted" by Frost, seriously, he never displayed any sign of being aware that she was interested in him no matter how many times she threw herself at him (in a network censored way of course).

Frankly, I find Wolverine's hack & slash routine dull.



I've said this before and I'll say it again - this whole not being a goody two shoe thing is B.S. because he was a complete loser from start to finish. It didn't make him more "human" or "real" or "interesting", it made him a caricature, a stereotype, the one guy who doesn't like the boss because he can't stand how much better the boss is. He never won one for the team or himself. There's nothing interesting about a character who's basically doomed to fail over & over, and that's pretty much all he did in this series. His half assed origin episode all but stated that his whole life was nothing but a series of falling down over & over again.

As for being "tempted" by Frost, seriously, he never displayed any sign of being aware that she was interested in him no matter how many times she threw herself at him (in a network censored way of course).

Frankly, I find Wolverine's hack & slash routine dull.

Goody-two-shoes & loser are both stereotypes sure but at least 'loser' is something I've not seen in an X-men cartoon before for Scott. Plus, it was only season 1. Jean being brought back to him & Emma Frost dying would of effected him greatly I'm sure.

It's been a long time since I watched the series so I admit I can't remember how "tempted" Scott was by Emma... So I'll give you that one. I think for me, Scott automaticly became more interesting because Emma was interested in him and she's my favourite new character from the show.

Clearly your a Scott fan and I'm not but don't take that to mean I'm a Wolverine fan either, I'm not. His hack & slash is just as dull as eye mounted laser bears imo.

The characters I really like are Emma(Scott with Emma), Mystique, Magneto, Xavier, Polaris, Scarlet Witch & Nightcrawler, Dust, Gambit & Rogue(Wolverine in fatherly scenes WITH Rogue), Domino, Iceman & Kitty(I like the idea of them but hated them being kids in this series), Pyro(Not in this series, he needs more of a personal rivalry with Iceman).

I don't particuarly like any of the main X-men lol. Scott, Jean, Beast, Wolverine, Angel.

Edit: I actually wrote "eye mounted laser bears", best typo ever and best power ever.

"And she may cry but her tears will dry, when I hand her the keys to a shiny new Australia!"


If all you want from Scott is to be a loser you can just watch the X-Men movies.

I seriously doubt Scott's situation would have improved in season 2. They were planning to do AoA after all, considering how poorly Scott was written in this show, they probably would have had him join the bad guys on account of Jean dumping him in front of the team so she could go hop on Wolverine's bike.


I like Scott with Emma. There's a distinct lack of Emma in the movies.

"And she may cry but her tears will dry, when I hand her the keys to a shiny new Australia!"


"eye mounted laser bears"
Now that would make an awesome character!

I don't know, the Scott in this was no where near as bad as the Scott in X3. He did see a redemption in the end, he wasn't a handicap in this, I don't even know it's correct to call him a "loser". He just seemed to stop caring about the world around him, now if you just saw your girlfriend and mentor get blown up right before your eyes, it would put you in a bad mood as well. I think his attitude was well deserved and not forced, he was probably better portrayed than Logan who seemed to feel no emotion at all for Jean's "death/disappearance" (I mean it fits his character, but he should have had a little more emotion or inner conflicts for it rather than none). Emma was able to warm up to him and change his character, and just when he was about recovered, Jean turns up and throws him another wrench. Then he discovers the true secrets and after some searching, he becomes himself again. It's probably the most range in character he's had in animation or cinema form.

Plus, complaining about Forge? That kind-of bugs me, this is the first time they are even acknowledging that he exists outside of the comics, and for a show where everyone is so serious, it doesn't hurt to have one guy for comic relief.



I don't know, the Scott in this was no where near as bad as the Scott in X3. He did see a redemption in the end, he wasn't a handicap in this, I don't even know it's correct to call him a "loser". He just seemed to stop caring about the world around him, now if you just saw your girlfriend and mentor get blown up right before your eyes, it would put you in a bad mood as well. I think his attitude was well deserved and not forced, he was probably better portrayed than Logan who seemed to feel no emotion at all for Jean's "death/disappearance" (I mean it fits his character, but he should have had a little more emotion or inner conflicts for it rather than none). Emma was able to warm up to him and change his character, and just when he was about recovered, Jean turns up and throws him another wrench. Then he discovers the true secrets and after some searching, he becomes himself again. It's probably the most range in character he's had in animation or cinema form.

But in what way did Scott redeem himself within this series? Did he ever really step up and save the day? Did he take back leadership from Wolverine? No, he didn't achieve either of these things. Hell, in the end he didn't even save Jean, Emma had to save Jean for him. About the closest he ever came to 'saving the day' was bailing that Mohawked Morlock kid who grows up to fight alongside Xavier in the future, and that was more by accident than anything else. As for Logan, well, he apparently saw Jean as nothing but a potential one night stand.

It wasn't just that he missed his old girlfriend and mentor. They made it seem like he was pretty much useless before Jean came into his life, that he was never a real hero or leader and was never cut out to be an X-Man, which is not true to who he is in the books. He may not have had the best social skills, but he never had problems being a good X-Man. If anything, being an X-Man was easier for him than being just a regular person. He believed in Xavier's cause and tried to do right by the team even when they hated him for it. Jean helped him feel more open as a person, but he never needed her to make him a competent X-Man. When the Dark Phoenix saga played out in the comics, there were over 10 years worth of stories showing him being a competent X-Man, so you did feel a difference when he was grieving for Jean.

But this is not what this series portrays about him when they did his origin. What does this series say about him in Breakdown? That he was a pathetic weakling who could never pull it together, couldn't even get through one training simulation or properly stand up to a super villain before Jean came along and developed an unhealthy codependent "bond" with him. And then years later he apparently grew up to be an emotionally volatile brat trapped in a man's body who couldn't control himself when Logan started eyeing Jean. Yeah, Wolvie may have been a jerk for that, but it didn't give Scott the right to physically assault him. Not once in any episode, not even his botched origin episode, is he ever shown as being anything remotely close to the hero he's supposed to be from the comics. So yes, like it or not, Scott is a loser in this series, a worthless loser with no redeeming qualities. In fact, he's such a loser that the X-Men apparently don't care about him and only rescue him out of obligation, not genuine concern for his welfare. Hell, even Jean and Xavier don't seem to care about him in the long run of the series.

As for Emma "warming up to him", he was pretty much oblivious to Emma's interest in him and didn't even display an iota of concern towards her until the finale where she blew up. Frankly I'm surprised it ended on that note, considering that he's been with Emma in the comics for what, six years now?

Even if they had made season 2, I seriously doubt that thing's would have improved for him, especially when he was supposed to be going through his quote unquote "villain" phase for AoA. Were the writers seriously going to depict him as Captain Competent just because he had his old girlfriend back? Highly unlikely. Odds are they would have continued portraying him as a shallow, petty joke of a character so as to continue deifying Wolverine.



Well, unless the people involve say what story ideas they had in mind, we won't know now, will we?

Maybe, but considering that this show's whole philosophy seemed to be "Wolverine is always right even when he's wrong or at least borders on being a hypocrite", I still seriously doubt things were going to improve for Cyclops.


So Iron Man: Armored Adventures get picked up for a second season, but not Wolverine...that's bull :(


This news sucks, I really enjoyed season 1 and was looking forward to another season.


The Iron Man cartoon is tripe! I can't believe they'd pick it up over this show. They could have tried a little harder to get the funding. The show was a Nicktoons success, one of their highest rated if I'm not mistaken. It's hard to believe they couldn't get adequate funding.

When I pulled my hamstring I went to a misogynist ~ Brittany -glee


This is bull$hit


Boy this sucks. This show was really good IMO.


