Does anyone know....?

How this ends?
Im going to miss the second part tonight and wondered if anyone knew how it ended?
Who killed Coral, is Gemma dead?
Please help me!

lets boogie!!!!


I'd like to know too thanks, so please post the ending after tonights episode.


Well in the novel, Esther and Steve get together (Steve cheated on Gemma when they were back in England and they were totally broken up), go back to England and presume Gemma dead. 5 years later (or so) they're going on holiday somewhere and turns out they have to make a stop in India. Esther feels as if she has to go and find out what happened to Gemma so she goes in search of Coral and finds Gemma who has become like Coral and Zac (can't really remember the religion but I think religion is involved). Esther tries to get Gemma to come home but she doesn't want to; she is happy in India now.


Well on the show gemma cuts her hair and dies it black. Esther and steve find gemma after having an intimate relationship. Gemma flees but Esther they find an address and gemma lets them in gemma gets some things but Zac comes home and is angry then steve punches him a few times and then gemma manipulates him to punch him off the edge of the balcony and he dies. Esther has flashbacks of what happened and figured out that Gemma planned this and had called Zac and told him to come home quickly then makes steve kill him. As they are in the taxi going to the airport Esther tells the car to stop and gets Gemma out. Esther tells her wat she knows but Gemma just laughs it off and tells her to come in the taxi but Esther says no she says she is staying there. Then Gemma gets in the car and it turns off.
