Worst Show Ever

Holy *beep* If this show was any worse, my face would explode. I know people have been posting topics like this, but I felt that the only way to strike back at this time thieving show was to do so as well. I watched it with a couple friends, and no laughs were had, no good times were shared, and there was no fun to be spoken of. The only thing this show does right, is end. Wait, no, it doesn't *beep* end. The skits go on for about 8 minutes that they should, and based on how incredibly terrible the original subject matter is, you can guess just how terrible this must be. White people, saying black things, is NOT funny. White people reacting to black people is NO LONGER funny. Black people being incredibly black, is NOT funny. *beep* jeez, at least when Chappelle did it, there was a little wit in there. This turned into a rant, fast... sorry.

Holy *beep*


This show suck bigtime In living color was funnier than this and they could go farther because it was a cable show. Sorry to say this but the wayans are not as funny as they use to be

