MovieChat Forums > Kidnapped (2006) Discussion > I Cannot Believe This

I Cannot Believe This

Kidnapped needs a second chance. A fall chance, not a winter/spring chance. This is one of the BEST shows that was on TV there is so much not explained between Sisto and Rapp and from the looks of the last scene in the last episode, it was going to get REALLY REALLY good. I cannot believe this show was not given a fighting chance.

What 5-6 weeks and thats it?

Only a certain amount of people have a Nielson box to contribute to ratings. The rest is done by advertisement, word of mouth, and promotion. This show was not given that chance to shine like it could have.


I'm sure we all agree with you. This show is so much better than most of the serial dramas out there. I bet this would have been more popular if that show 'Vanished' hadn't been around.


aye i agree, they should have given this show a chance.
If nothing else, i'd love to see some kind of explanation for the plot, where it would have gone, the details of Knapp's past that where so hinted at and presumably would have been revealed and explored as the show went on.

Did y'all see Traveler?
That was another great show that, with the right slot would have taken RIGHT off but they stick it in the summer filler slot and of course it never gets the effing ratings because people dont watch TV over the summer (unless they're pretty much me)

But Traveler DID get a blog from the writer explaining every question the show raised as well as where it would have gone over three or four seasons which was great to see because a) with shows like Lost that ask question after question and never give any kind of answer, its nice to see that there are still writers out there who are coming up with more than just a concept, they have everything plotted out for years and B) it answered the many questions the fans had and gave a nice feeling of resolution in the abscence of the second season.

Kidnapped could do with something like this, if nothing else to give the fans the closure they deserve.

'Take what ya can, give nothin'back'


Slightly off subject here, but if you haven't already left "Lost", hang in there. As you may already know, the producers went to ABC and told them, we have to end it this year, everythings in place. ABC came back and told them they need 2 more years of 24 episodes. An agreement as reached where 2 more shortened seasons would be completed. And then came the writers strike (which I have no problem with), which will probably give us a even shorter season this year, than exprected. But the Lost creators/producers did HAVE a plan. When it is all said and done, I may not be happy with the ending, but it is nice to know that they have an ending ready to go.


'see now thats really interesting because knowing that now makes me...well tbh, think lessof the me, a really well written show is one that has everything planned out from the get go, a great way to present it and a visible if not clear resolution...well...shows of this vein any way, these 'clue' me Traveler had that sense that it would all be explained in time, Kidnapped had that sense that there would be some resolution....even from the beginning i never had that sense with lost...i didnt hate it, i watched it out of interest and just honestly found it lacking and its leads unlikeable, but also, i couldnt see a 'light' if you will at the end of the tunnel, i couldnt imagine any kind of plausible resoultion that wouldnt frustrate the life out of got worse when the jump the shark finale of enterprise was announced, then shown, i just thought, thats what this'll'll all turn out to be a dream or something, Jack or Boone or Kate'll wake up as the plane is landing and nothings been real....i knw that probably wont be the case and i really hope to be prooven wrong but...knowing they do have an ending in place just makes me doubt the talent of everyone involved as there's no clue as to what that coud possible be

thanks for the info all the same though, i really never knew that!
