MovieChat Forums > Kidnapped (2006) Discussion > Really weird plothole (spoilers)

Really weird plothole (spoilers)

I think it's episode 10, the episode after Guttman is tied to the chair...

We see a backflash where the terrorist phone operator is on the phone with with a distorted voice... The phone operator is acting like everything is normal... Then he goes "Wait, where's Guttman?"

the next shot is a shot shows the monitors around the operator, showing Guttman tied to the chair while the FBI are swarmed around the park....

Uh... he knows what Guttman looks like, he sees her tied to the chair, why doesn't he get suspicious earlier?

It seems like the actors and director didn't have a clue here... like nobody knew what the story of their own show was.


Yeah, there are some plotholes but the show was supposed to have more episodes. They have to resume in 13 episodes the whole season.


this plothole itself isn't the result of the show not continuing on, I don't know if this was originally supposed to be a mid-season replacement, but this story seemed to fit a 13 episode arc.

I suspect the kindnappings were supposed to help the Senator guy's "better world" cause, and had something to do with Knapp, hence they were in contact with Rapp and freed him from prison.

Unfortunately those things will go unanswered. I wouldn't mind a book, at least.


It only seems that way because the producers had to make it fit the 13 episodes they were allowed after the show was canceled by NBC. It was originally supposed to have a full season of episodes. The kidnapping would have gone on all season long and the story would have been more drawn out.


The episode you were referring to was episode 11 and just because Guttman is tied to the chair does not mean she can't make a call. If you notice, he was distracted and looked towards the monitor to make sure it wasn't Guttman on the phone. He obviously was not paying attention to the monitors when the phone call came in and that is why he did not know Guttman wasn't the one who called him. I think you spent to much time nitpicking the series instead of just enjoying it for what it was. The was definitely surprised and that was why he looked over at the monitor to make sure. This is not a plot hole in the series!

Now because this series didn't get it's back order of episodes for the full season, the producers had to try and conclude the series in the 13 episodes they were allowed. We were kind of lucky that they hadn't finished filming all 13 episodes yet before it was canceled because this allowed them to give us a proper ending even if it felt rushed. Basically they had the last 3 or so episodes to find a way to finish the series and because of this, everything ended up getting sped up and reduced to plot only.

The last 5 episodes of this series had aired on NBC's website every Friday night until completed. The hopes was that it would find a home there and that the network would renew it after all as web series if enough fans asked for it. So the producers added the last couple minute teaser for the possible 2nd season to get people stirred up. Unfortunately it did not work and the show was never picked up.
