MovieChat Forums > Man of Steel (2013) Discussion > No one I know dislikes this movie

No one I know dislikes this movie

Not my friends, nor my family, or anyone personally that I've known and/or met. And I've asked a lot of people about it.

In fact the only hate I've ever seen expressed about this movie, is on the internet. Which I assume are a bunch of Marvel elitists and Zack Snyder trolls, who I'm assuming only hate him because of 300 or WATCHMEN, another thing I don't understand.

Man of Steel is incredible.


you can't cast an assumption like that when you've only taken a biased sample of people that are around your vicinity. Especially when family, friends, and coworkers you talk to are likely to have the same opinion as you.

it's really short sighted to assume people that don't like something must automatically be Marvel fans. Why can't someone genuinely like DC and not like the films?


you can't cast an assumption like that when you've only taken a biased sample of people that are around your vicinity. Especially when family, friends, and coworkers you talk to are likely to have the same opinion as you.

it's really short sighted to assume people that don't like something must automatically be Marvel fans. Why can't someone genuinely like DC and not like the films?

Actually there is only about 4 or 5 of my friends that usually agree with me on things when it comes to films, music, etc.

Most of the other people that I see or talk to would argue that Marvel movies are better, and disagree on films entirely as I am a film fanatic and most of my peers are casual movie goers.

But also none of them personally know who Zack Snyder is so that could have a huge influence. None of them know he directed Watchmen or 300, they just know Man of Steel as a Superman movie and one that they highly enjoyed.

Like I said, I think a lot of haters are just a bunch of pissed of Alan Moore elitists who will hate ANY and EVERYthing that Snyder does because they did not like Watchmen because Alan Moore did not like it, and he didn't even watch it.

There is just way to many biased asshats out there that can form their own opinion if their life depended on it.

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.


First you say haters of Man of Steel have to be Marvel elitists. Then you say Man of Steel haters have to be Alan Moore elitists. Which is it?


Well said


Because that would drive a big ole wedge up in his argument. Pretty much shattering his persecution complex. And suddenly he won't be able to defend it anymore


"No-one I know voted fer Erbama, so how the ding-dong-dickety did he git tuh be Prezz'dent?!"

Yeah, that's not how that works, champ. 

Superman 1938-2013. R.I.P. Look up in the sky


god, donnie still lurks here? holy sh!t the dude needs to get a life.


It Is a mediocre movie that people enjoy. I like it but acknowledge its not particularly a great movie, i think the people who dislike it are just critics who just arent into what zack snyder has to offer. I don't like Snyder very much and this is probably the most enjoyable movie he has made, in my opinion. I hated BvS for it was just too sloppy and incoherent. This movie had an element of that but it wasn't as bad


Well i have just re watched this again and i dont get the 7. 2 rating its easily an 8 epic film same as bvs


I'm more of a Marvel fan than a DC fan, but I liked this movie well enough. I think it has some problems (not the destruction, tornadocide, killing of Zod) but I don't think it was nearly as bad as people want to say it is.

Also, with the exception of a few movies (usually Spielberg or someone huge) I have no frigging clue as to who directs what. At least not until people start defending movies simply because a certain director was at the helm.


Man of Steel was by no means a bad movie, but to say it was "incredible" is really stretching it. By using that word to describe it, it's saying it was a near perfect movie and it was far from it. The first half was wonderfully done, but once he became Super Man, that's when the wheels really fell off the tracks. It became sloppy, ridiculous and it then relied on all special effects and action for the rest of the movie. He's too damn powerful and any "moments of weakness" were short lived as he became super powerful again seconds later.

If they had focused more on the story like in the first half instead of doing a 180 and filling it with silly cgi action where you knew he was going to succeed in everything, it probably would have been more well received.


Maybe at least some of the people you've asked can sense your apparent obsession with the movie so are just responding positively to your questions so as to avoid any awkwardness. I can usually find something to like about most movies, so if a big fan wanted to chat about MOS with me, I might agree its a pretty cool looking movie at times. But if I'm honest it really wasn't an enjoyable watch. So much montage and flashback.

Clearly some actual people didn't love it, because it's not rated a 10 here.


I only know one person who watched it and he recommended me to stay away from it.

I'll give it a watch this weekend before seeing BvS, I'm curious what the fuss is all about and this seems like a prequel to that.

To me, Superman SUCKS at the core: how can anyone be interested in this character is beyond me.

A boring all-American hero who flies in a ridiculous American flag coloured costume? Yuk...

But I'm so curious about this whole controversy that I need to see it with my own eyes if it's really as bad as they say.

Come on, Russel Crowe and Kevin Costner are in it: how bad can it be ?

The only thing that worries me is that my friend said there are some political and religious overtones that are really annoying, like the movie is trying to be "deep" and "intellectual" or something.

I hope it's not a bunch of pompous all-American/Christian propaganda crap 'cuz I won't be able to refrain myself from coming here and insult everyone who likes the movie.

What's best in life ?


Well that's just not true. I am not a troll. And I do agree that I'm in the minority for disliking this movie. But I'm a fan of every other superman movie/ t.v shows (except for superman 3 & 4 lol).

MoS is not the superman I know and love.
