No no no

An insult to the original Superman - I don't even know where to begin so I'll just leave it at that.


could not agree more
watched the original tv series back in the 50's when
it was just a goofy comic book not dark and menacing like this
like most films today it's all cgi and little behind it
watching this, it's hard to remember that superman was once
just a comic book for kids..not something violent
to give them nightmares
no no no no indeed


LMAO it's no insult to something that has already been, the old show is still the old show and doesn't change due to this one coming out. This was the perfect movie. Makes the 70s Christopher Reeve movies look like the red headed step child. This was so worth the wait.


An insult to the original Superman - I don't even know where to begin so I'll just leave it at that.

Agreed. I get lost with everything that's wrong with the movie.

You are sin.
