MovieChat Forums > Man of Steel (2013) Discussion > Superman saved children from drowning, s...

Superman saved children from drowning, saved sailors...

...from an exploding rig, and blew up a terraforming machine even though it nearly killed him, with the attitude that "you gotta do what you gotta do," ir order to save Earth, BUT, Zod punched him through a building so obviously he's a sociopath.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what haters refer to as "logic."

Officially Canadian for 27 years. Never heard "aboot."


i don't think anyone's argument is that he literally didn't save anyone. And also- nobody's calling him a sociopath because he got punched thru a few buildings

It's the overall attitude of the film about his heroics. If you can't see that both the smallville fight and the metropolis fight were more focused on showing off the Kryptonians superpowers for the first time on screen then I think ya gotta remove the fan goggles

Sure there are a few token saves here and there and he technically saved the whole world but gel if it wasn't the least heroic vibin superhero film I've seen

Ex: Supes casually dogdes the semi truck Zod kicks at him. It explodes into a parking garage and collapses the whole building. There's no reason why that scene needed to happen.

Also- in his rage he tackles Zod thru two massive grain silos, crashes him right into the heart of smallville. Does Supes come too after realizing he lost control? Does he show a lick of acknowledgement that he just unleashed for the first time ever in his HOMETOWN. There were like 30 seconds after that where Snyder easily could've shown him expressing concern for his hometown folks. What does he do? Has a macho man sh-t talk at Zod.

After he comes out of the wrecked Sears building and we see a torn up Smallville..does he show any concern or acknowledgment that the first fight of his life resulted in his, once again, hometown being wrecked? Nope. He just flies away

^^^little stuff like this adds up and while he wasn't meant to be portrayed as a sociopath it sure doesn't make him connect with the audience


Also- the fact that the only reason that fight happened in smallville was directly because superman took it there from a unpopulated cornfield mind you...yea. Doesn't bode well for your case either.


Pretty much summed it up.


Yup. He won't be able to refute any of it because I called him on his weakly thought out strawman argument


If people want to argue that Superman was being too careless while trying to save the Earth for Zod I'm alright with that, in fact, I sort of miss that. What I'm commenting on is that what might have started as this has grown into these intellectually dishonest exaggerations and flat out lies.

I do think people bluntly and directly mean that Superman doesn't save people, or doesn't care about saving them, or that people should fear this vile tryand who single handedly destoryed Metropolis and millions of people.

I keep seeing these same lies pop up in every review and every time someone mentions the film. It's nonsense.

Officially Canadian for 27 years. Never heard "aboot."


Huh? You were the one who started an OP about people's illegitimate complaints.

Now YOURE the one whose whining about people strawmanning and making up lies?


Yes but all this destruction was the main setup for the plot of I assume it was intentional.



I was ok with the destruction and I get they needed to show how powerful these aliens are.

But I agree they could of addressed it better, so instead of supes kissing Lois and saying a stupid line, that should of been the scene where he drops to his knees and screams as he sees the buildings, destruction and people who are dead/in trouble, then he goes after Zod in a rage and breaks his neck.


That would have been revenge, and that isn't what Superman is all about.

He only kills Zod when he realizes that Zod has given him no other choice. That is why he's so devastated when he has killed Zod.


Fair point, I agree with that, but maybe because 'he's new to the suit' that he just loses it and that's what teaches him about how precious life Is and he regrets killing Zod after.


"that's what teaches him about how precious life Is and he regrets killing Zod after."

One would have thought that supposedly that's what Johnathan Kent's death was supposed to teach him, even if it was stupidly done in this movie.


Yeah another good point


He's a sociopath for not smiling while he did it.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avenger


For a movie that has so much religious symbolism they could have given us a better "savior"...

Jesus didn't save anybody with violence: Jesus is about forgiving your enemies not breaking their necks.


Yeah, he did all that.

And then, even though we see that there are still people in Metropolis ("He saved us!"), he suddenly stops caring. He just starts smashing Zod around. Again; we know there are still people around. But all of a sudden, that doesn't matter.

We know from earlier in the movie, that he could move Zod pretty easily - he brings Zod from the virtually deserted cornfield to downtown Smallville - yet he decides to keep Zod in the middle of a major metropolitan area until Zod learns to fly, which heralds more punching and apparent inability to move Zod. Then all of a sudden Superman's able to manhandle Zod again, and bring him into the killing house. And then he's apparently unable to move Zod again.

The movie is inconsistent to the point of having plot holes.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.
