MovieChat Forums > Man of Steel (2013) Discussion > If Zack Snyder did such a poor job with ...

If Zack Snyder did such a poor job with developing one superhero

What makes him or more importantly, Warner Bros/DC think that he can take on two and more?

Why are they trusting him with all of this?


I would think it's because WB thinks that Snyder did a good job with MOS. But what the hell do I know???


Getting 56 percent on Rottentomatoes was good enough for them I guess.


They don't care about ratings, they care about grosses.


the film disappointed in that regard too.


the film disappointed in that regard too.

In every regard imaginable. Seriously, every single way possible.


Man of Steel was well-polished and pretty pleasing on the eyes. That goes a long way these days, particularly for superhero movies that aren't typically trying to be something more profound than they are.

I think he's just fine to direct these movies, I just don't think the idea to pursue these movies the way they are is the best idea to begin with.


BvS is just flat out doomed. I'm calling it right now.

Remember that I said it.



"If you can't fix what's broken, you'll go insane." Max - Mad Max: Fury Road




Why doesn't the WB ever learn from their mistakes?


It's clear that JL is doomed.

That con footage is almost laughable and that's them putting their best foot forward.


No, MoS was a shaky-cam for no good reason uglyass mess of screen vomit. It failed visually as hard as for any other reason. I was digging the visually different Krypton from the originals "crystalline" look. I wasn't on board with the wall to wall shaky cam, but for the Krypton sequence it made some amount of sense... the planet was going to explode. But then they kept the shaky-cam going on earth. During the "just dialogue" scenes where no action was happening and the camera was otherwise not even moving... and still the post edit shaky cam was there bouncing the screen around. A terrible decision and the movie looked terrible because of it.

"Who built this f#(%!^g police station." -- Leon Kennedy


Exactly and the trailer for bVs shows more of the same.


Thats because Joss Whedon has only done a good movie thanks to his cast, i dont see how hes any better than Snyder. Get off his d*ck already



Yes, already did, a billion times actually. The use of slow mo after 300 wasnt mainstream at all, right? Im sure you're gonna "find" a movie that used that before 300, but dont bother, everyone started it after 300.

Btw, whos trying to copy Whedon again??


A movie that used slo-mo before 300? Like the Matrix? Or Die Another Day? Face/off? Or the plethora of Japanese films that use similar methods? Snyder may have used it to extreme, but its been around for decades.



^lol, how long did it take you to google those? You're clearly that stupid, you dont even know the difference between these slow mos


They all had slo-mo in them genius. Die Another Day used it for establishing shots (speed up, slow down). The others used it for various action sequences. It sure as *beep* wasn't invented by Zack Snyder.



Take a trailer full of dipwads to bVs when the time is right I guess.


Thats because Joss Whedon has only done a good movie thanks to his cast, i dont see how hes any better than Snyder. Get off his d*ck already

You're right. Whedon is no better than Snyder. They're both no-talent hacks.



"Such a poor job" Well thats just like your opinion, retard



I am still strugling why you hate this movie so much. This is a TRUE Superman movie, Donner ruined Superman, by basically making him a god who can be anywhere, anytime to fix every problem.


I am still strugling why you hate this movie so much.

The critical consensus everywhere is that Man of Rehash was a huge disappointment and received WORST reviews than Superman Returns, the movie it was made to "fix" in the first place. You may not agree with the consensus that Man of Rehash sucked, but you seriously can't understand WHY people think its worthless garbage? The flaws have been pointed out in detail for months. How many times do we need to explain it?

This is a TRUE Superman movie, Donner ruined Superman

The problem here is your viewpoint is completely deranged and bears no resemblance to the typical movie viewer. It would be like claiming "Twilight is TRUE vampire movie, Bela Lugosi ruined vampires"


The critical consensus everywhere is that Man of Rehash was a huge disappointment and received WORST reviews than Superman Returns,

Rubbish, the consensus was more positive than your making out, Stop talking nonsense. Why say such rubbish when people can research this info.


The flaws have been pointed out in detail for months. How many times do we need to explain it? 

No they haven't and certainly not by you. You never ever discuss your opinion, you just repeat man of of rehash...It was a disappointment...everyone hated it. Try actually elaborating your opinion in a reasonable manner not trying to sound superior to everyone.

The problem here is your viewpoint is completely deranged and bears no resemblance to the typical movie viewer

Again not true, the consensus from the typical movie viewer was quite positive. Look at any fan score from any website, and most of the scores will be very positive. Many also agree its the best version of superman yet.



Has he even seen man of steel? I doubt it..


Many also agree its the best version of superman yet.

I -- a 51-year old geezer who grew up with Superman in the comics, on TV and at the movies -- am one of those who agree.

MOS is easily the best Superman movie ever made ( far).

"Send her to the snakes!"


No they haven't

 they most certainly have. just because you don't want to acknowledge them doesn't mean they aren't there.

If you don't see that MoS was considered at least a bit of a disappointment by most (not necessarily awful by most) then you need to remove the fanboy goggles.

Again not true, the consensus from the typical movie viewer was quite positive. Look at any fan score from any website, and most of the scores will be very positive

Ahhhh you aren't gonna want to hear this but: RT audience score and poll sites do NOT represent the accurate views of the general public there bud. And i say that not just about MoS but ANY audience internet poll is so distorted.

It is NOT representative of the general opinion- but representative of the opinions of ONLY those who choose to make accounts on these sites, log in, and rate films. Idk about you- but I've never rated a film on a poll site..whether i loved or hated it.....not......ever. Meaning the vast majority of fmovie-goers simply dont care enough to go rate it.

And are you trying to tell me the types of people that go camp out on movie poll sites are the a "reliable source"? you're getting the extreme opinoins- meaning the people who loved and hated it- its not a valid stat at all.- not because the audience doesn't matter- they certainly do- but because the manner in which the statistic is gathered does not serve the stat itself any credibility. theres no way for you to say it was general wasn't.

seriously- i have met maybe 3-4 people in my real life that didn't think it wasn't at least a bit of a letdown. The general reaciton was sorta "eh- its ok". surround yourself with people who arent comic book nerds like i do and see how often MoS even gets mentioned- let alone praised


Have you seen the BvS trailer and teasers? It looks like the same crap to most sane human beings.


Because he didn't do a poor job.


It wasn't a critical success. I don't get why they're trusting him with so much of DC's cinematic future. And why is one director doing all of these movies? It's like if Jon Favreau directed all the Marvel movies up to The Avengers and The Avengers itself. Except Jon made a good movie.


Companies don't care much about critical success compared with box office grosses.


But what if the box office gets muted by bad word of mouth like ASM2? No one liked MOS. How can that be good for BvS?


I thought he did Superman well



Joss Whedon and Snyder are on about the same level to me.


I thought he did a good job with Superman, so...


So... you need help.
