MovieChat Forums > Man of Steel (2013) Discussion > Worst superhero movie I've ever seen

Worst superhero movie I've ever seen

This movie has to be the biggest pile of garbage I've ever layed eyes on, action usually attracts me into movies and are very entertaining but theirs so much action going on it becomes boring, really wanted to like this especially for the upcoming sequel with batman but this movie is terrible



I really hope batman v superman dawn of justice is good but my expectations are very low





I really hope batman v superman dawn of justice is good but my expectations are very low

Well then it wont disappoint ... I hope.


Masterpiece? This was a pile, might has well been directed by Brett Ratner!


"Thanks for sharing, i thought it was a masterpiece...and im not excited by most action films"

Wow. The SAME shills who will criticize people who hate this movie for endlessly posting here - wILL shamelessly do the EXACT same thing (except that they gush about how much they LOVE the flick)! At least the people who HATE the movie explain themselves clearly, while you MOS fanboys add NOTHING of value to the conversation!

"I prefer visually intriguing coupled with a deep story"

There was nothing particularly 'intriguing or deep about this movie. Perhaps you saw another film?


To be fair, the OP didn't exactly give us a post of substance to respond to... so the person you're critiquing seems to only be responding in kind, wouldn't you say?

Now, if the OP gave us some actual thoughts that were ripe for discussion, I'm sure that we'd see that same poster responding with a more fleshed-out response. While his posting history does seem to have some shallower comments, it also has ample examples of thoughtful exchanges.

So, we see that civility begets civility and hyperbole begets hyperbole... usually.

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No, this was WORSE than Flash Gordon.

Says a lot right there.


Why because I didn't like a movie ?




So I'm guessing you love every movie that was ever made then


No, but your opinion on MoS makes you bitch. You still have time for absolution and forgiveness, rewatch the movie and praise it.



Haha might just put it on when I need to sleep


well, to be fair, its too loud to sleep through. :(




I honestly had no expectation of it being bad or even below par, but about 1 hour in and i thought the same thing as the OP. Its just a mess, its so out-of-touch. They wanted to make it like the Dark knight movies but it comes across as if they tried to make the OPPOSITE of that. The pacing is so rushed and jarring, its like they wanted to get to the (very confusing) "action" really quick, even though the thing people enjoyed about Nolan's movies are how they slowly build and develop. A lot of parts in the movie are unintentionally funny, like how so many diseasters "coincidentally" happen when Clarke is around (like the bus scene and the tornado scene). Its just so so silly. Like i said, i never expected this movie to suck


That's exactly how I felt while watching it like they were just trying to make it like the dark knight, they should've gone their own way with superman


I liked it, but I agree, the action scenes are the weakest part of the film.

Worst superhero film I've ever seen is still Batman and Robin. Only thing good about that thing was that it paved the way to Nolan.


I agree with the nolan part but Batman & Robin is a legendary classic that'll never be forgotten in out hearts.


best worst movie ever



It did, just like how Donner killed Superman when he made Superman The Movie :/


lol, well it will never be forgotten in our hearts, that for sure, and it's legendary in some way.


Worst super hero movie you've ever seen? I take it you haven't seen The Amazing Spider-Man 2 yet...


No I haven't, is it really that bad ?



It would be a passable superhero movie, just total sh!t as a Superman movie.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thanks to Batman vs. Superman, the "S" on Supermeh's chest now stands for Sidekick

