MovieChat Forums > Man of Steel (2013) Discussion > The flight scene is so good it makes oth...

The flight scene is so good it makes other films unwatchable



If you're at an impressionable age, or an adult that requires little from your entertainment beyond grandiose computer generated spectacle to capture and hold your attention........well then yes, by that standard, it makes other films unwatchable. By every other standard of a movie, it's as dull as unbuttered wheat toast with a soy milk chaser.

When I finally watched this flat, sappy, overdone, CGI-saturated live-animation feature, full of boring villains and assorted listless caricatures mumbling sentimental Hallmark Card quotes and bloated meaningless babble,...........I nearly fell into a trance from the boredom. Caught a piece of it the other day on TV again, and it was like I never seen it before. Then I realized it's just because it was so forgettable and generic, none of it really stood out in my memory from the first viewing.

5/10 just because of the well done special effects ( which became tedious by sheer mind-numbing volume ).



Does it really offend you much that a person enjoyed a single shot in a film that disspointed you, you have to jump to petty baselesss condescension? This is exactly why fans can't take the detractors of this film seriously.

For what it's worth. He's right. The music. Sound. Visuals. Cavill's laugh and smile coupled with the sense of flow it conveys. Beautiful scene.

Officially Canadian for 27 years. Never heard "aboot."


Does it really offend you much that a person didn't like something that you did that you have to try to shred his opinion?

This is exactly why people who didn't care for the movie can't taken fanboys seriously. They have no objectivity and get upset when a movie they like is criticized.

For what it's worth, I liked the movie well enough. I just don't kid myself that it is very good.


Does it really offend you much that a person didn't like something that you did that you have to try to shred his opinion?

Strawman. I never expressed or hinted to the notion that your opinion on the film offends me. It was the condescending way you expressed it.

This is exactly why people who didn't care for the movie can't taken fanboys seriously. They have no objectivity and get upset when a movie they like is criticized.

Number one, I'm no fanboy, I gave the film an eight and fully acknowledge it has flaws. Secondly, I did not criticize you because you personally didn't think the flying scene was great. Stop putting words in my mouth.

For what it's worth, I liked the movie well enough. I just don't kid myself that it is very good.

Whether you consider the film good or not is irrelevant. I consider it good. And I don't think I'm wrong on the matter.

Officially Canadian for 27 years. Never heard "aboot."


Strawman. I never expressed or hinted to the notion that your opinion on the film offends me. It was the condescending way you expressed it.

Actually, it was the other person you were whining about.

And I don't think I'm wrong on the matter.

So you think your opinion is right, but other people's opinions are wrong?

Wow! What I've never heard of that before!


Actually, it was the other person you were whining about.

Well son of a gun I got two faceless people on the Internet mixed up. Oh well. Let me rephrase that: "it was the condescending way he expressed it."

So you think your opinion is right, but other people's opinions are wrong?

Wow! What I've never heard of that before!

Why do you keep putting words into my mouth?

Officially Canadian for 27 years. Never heard "aboot."


Why do you keep putting words into my mouth?

I'm not.

Whether you consider the film good or not is irrelevant. I consider it good. And I don't think I'm wrong on the matter.


I never once insinuated that I feel opinions are wrong. I may attack the validity of the argument and reasoning backing them, but that's not saying said opinion is wrong. Hence, you are in fact putting words in my mouth.

Officially Canadian for 27 years. Never heard "aboot."


I agree with sextamental.

Man Of Steel had a ton of great ingredients for a good movie, but the execution was crap.

Sleep inducing editing, sleep inducing non stop score, boring Superman/Clark, annoying Amy Adams, Michael Shannon forcing a performance, ugly generic color grading, mostly sub par CGI despite the massive budget (Zack has bad CGI all the time, which I really can't understand), cheesy dialogue that tries too hard to be emotional but ends up being cringe worthy, non linear storytelling which is getting old and so on.

Great casting of Costner and Lane as the Kent's, but they were wasted in a lame movie.

The original is cheesy for sure, but it's still a classic and Reeve is the only person who's played the role perfectly.

Hell, I'd rather watch Reeve fight in slow motion with noticeable harness strings than watch bland poorly done CGI.


Good, but nothing overly impressive.

The first Superman movie boasted that they'll make you believe a man can fly, and they did.

This was was just ok. Nice to see he didn't succeed on his first attempt, but it also looked very CGI.


I think I'm spoiled by films that look too good, and you're blinded by nostalgia. The flight in Donner looks so unrealistic. Somehow Lois stays upright despite holding his right arm with her left, as if she can hold her entire body weight with her left arm. And the end scene omfg hahaha, the green screen could not be more obvious, whereas in Man of Steel it actually looks like he flies around the world.


Nope. I'm going by the fact that with the severe limitations of the day, the first Superman movie he looked incredible flying.

Fast forward 30 years, and he looks like CGI jumping around.


LOL! The first movie special effects are a joke now. It has aged so badly.

~Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes~


That's why you don't judge it the same way. All you can do is judge it by its peers/what it was able to do during its time.

As in, Home Run Baker led the league in home runs for four years straight. He averaged 10.5 home runs per year. Not impressive by today's standards at all, but during his time, he was the top home run hitter.


Of Course I know that. I took that into consideration. Other movies of same era like Alien, Terminator etc haven't aged badly.

~Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes~


I disagree with that fully. Looking at them now, you can see the Alien is a man in a costume and the metal Terminator is a cartoon.


LOL what are you talking about? T800 in terminator was actual physical stop motion model. Not a cartoon lol.

~Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes~


Sorry. I should have dumbed it down more.

They look dated and like sh!t. The Terminator looked cartoonish projected onto the screen.


Uh... there is a night and day difference between cartoons and physical models.

~Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes~





I don't know what to say: it's OK, that's it.



Actually, I don´t agree!
As it has a better technology, superman would have you convinced and for the most part it actually is but.....
The cgi is great no doubt abou that, however I never felt like I "was there" flying with him, he breaks the sound barrier, cool effect but I never really felt how fast he was. Look for the Xmen first class scene where banshee is flying. Sure he isn´t as fast as supes, but from a cinematography experience that sensation is much better achieved as you can actually see the actor fly in a point of view shot thus creating the sensation that we are "there with him".


LOL - MOS is unwatchable ugly radio. Jump cuts. Shaky cam. Pure Dreck.
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That audiences think this is "good" is so sad. They will keep churning out this visual garbage until the industry collapses.

"Arthropodocracy - not voting for the lesser of two weevils... stomping the two weevils!"


You're the guy who thinks the opening of Reservoir Dogs is boring. It all makes sense now, entertained by big explosions. Do you also like flashing lights? Bright colours? Balloons?


If you think being more entertained by spectacular visuals than vapid, meaningless chatter means I have poor taste, then I am guilty by your retarded view.


It's not meaningless or vapid, it sets up the relationship between the characters, and it its very funny. Were you even paying attention to it? Or maybe you're just dumb.


I didn't like thr flight scene sin MOS. I felt they we're either too far or too close. It's only when he zooms into the air and then the stratosphere thay the flying isn't an eye sore.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers
