MovieChat Forums > Man of Steel (2013) Discussion > Last third of the movie is epic!

Last third of the movie is epic!

There are problems with MoS, especially with its storytelling and at times the dialogue, but the last 45-50 minutes with all the action scenes and Superman's battle against Zod and his allies is mindblowing! It might be one of the most epic fight/battle sequences (if not the most epic) I have ever seen.


I agree, for me it's the best action/fight scenes in a comic book movie.

When I first saw it in the cinemas I loved it


While it was never going to be the greatest film of all time, I don't think I've ever enjoyed a movie so much as this. It really was a visual feast at times.


It's also the best scene in Batman V Superman :)

I love the final battle in Man of Steel. I don't know what others are complaining about when they complain about this. It was clear to me that Superman was doing everything he could to save Metropolis.

What I want to know is, why were the special effects in MoS so good and in BvS so bad?? (With the exception of the Tornado scene, which I thought was ludicrous that Pa Kent didn't get sucked up into the tornado, but instead "faded into the mists" (as cars and trucks were flying by him), it broke suspension of disbelief for me)


No it is lifeless and without any storytelling character or logic



Most boring repetitive third act in any novie


You know, I also thought that BvS (the theatrical cut) was a major disappointment and a mess of a movie for the most part. Still, your user name won't help if you want to be taken seriously in a conversation about movies, especially about DC films.


I honestly think BvS ending was epic; MOS ending was good just not draw dropping.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avenger


The CG was way too obvious and almost cartoonish in the end battle in BvS.



The whole movie was epic, the only thing they got wrong was the casting of Amy Adams as Lois Lane. I love the opening scenes showing Zod trying to take over, that was so much cooler then the old Superman movies where we didn't even get to see it. This was the Superman movie I'd been waiting for since the 70s, it makes the Reeve movies look like the red headed step child.


Honestly I don't like the last 45 minutes. I enjoyed some of it for a few minutes, but it got so boring and tiresome that I wanted it to end. That and I can't stand shaky cam. It was really giving me a headache.


Feel the same as the above poster I was really enjoying the movie until Zod showed up on earth then I feel it went downhill very fast I just found it incredulously boring in its last third which is a shame because the set up I thought was pretty good
