MovieChat Forums > Man of Steel (2013) Discussion > This was the Superman movie I'd been wai...

This was the Superman movie I'd been waiting for since the 70's

I grew up on the old Christopher Reeve movies and the comics but even then I knew they were limited in what they could show Superman do. I had long yearned for an updated movie and was utterly disappointed with Superman Returns. Once we finally got MOS I was super excited. I love everything about this movie except who they chose for Lois Lane. I still think they've never got her cast correctly. But if that is my only complaint then so be it. I loved how much they put into the beginning showing Zod trying to take over instead of just showing him go into the Phantom Zone. The fight at the end with Zod was excellent. I get a kick out of all the people who have been crying about how bad they think this movie is. I appreciate them making my day better. We all need to laugh at something. The soundtrack isn't talked about much, it really helps make the film. BvS is also underrated by many. Looking forward to Justice League.


Decades-long DC fan here who grew up watching the Christopher Reeve movies and I really liked Man of Steel - it's actually grown on me the more I've seen it. I thought Cavill did a great job, but I agree that Amy Adams is a poor Lois Lane (I thought Margot Kidder was hot as hell!). Shannon was the star for me. I'm also looking forward to JL - and especially Wonder Woman.

All for a box of chocolates...


If I had to pick one thing that I didn't like about MOS was when Colonel Hardy says "This man is not our enemy" LOL it's so cheesy I chuckle every time. I thought come on man it took you that long to figure that out? Not a big deal but just came across as more for the kids who might be watching. Wonder Woman looks great. Cant' wait. Justice League is going to be awesome. Been waiting for that since the 70s too.


Not a big deal but just came across as more for the kids who might be watching.

Yeah, it might have been! 

"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" The Tenth Doctor explains all.


I really liked this movie and still do, but my love is reserved for BvS. Henry was great ad Superman and he is the best since Reeve. I agree that Lois is miscast and they should have gotten someone else who has more personality and a harder edge.

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers


Another oldster here who was a kid in the late '70s who grew up loving the first two Christopher Reeve Superman movies...Residentevil6901 and Milk_Tray_Guy expressed my thoughts precisely. I loved Man of Steel despite its flaws, but then I love many movies despite their flaws.


So in other words. You've always been some kind of fortune teller?


Nope but I sure looked to the future, are you a Millennial?
