MovieChat Forums > Man of Steel (2013) Discussion > Didn't like it, currently giving it a se...

Didn't like it, currently giving it a second shot; A thought pops up:

Why would they need to terraform the earth if the earth's atmosphere makes them superhuman?
Wouldn't it just be more beneficial to avoid killing billions, settling the earth as fellow super-humans to Superman and living as such?

I mean why kill out the entire population and one of your own when you could just become not only the dominant species, but superhumans?



Haven't watched it since it came out, but wasn't it the yellow sun that gave them powers?
Not that I'm defending this movie.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. If Zod and his people can exist on earth with superpowers like Superman's why the need to terraform it and kill off all humans when they could live like gods among men?
(In the movie the atmosphere was mentioned a lot, though, so I think they actually changed it from being the sun for the sake of the movie. In one scene Superman entered their spaceship and lost his powers)



That's right. I forgot about Clark losing his powers. Which is odd because traditionally it was red solar radiation that made him lose his powers, not just a different atmosphere.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


I think Zod missed the old Krypton. Maybe he just felt that in order for him to have a purpose, he literally has to restore Krypton to the way it was before all the bad stuff happened.


Their superpowers were redundant when they have that level of technology. They would still grow old and die as normal. Those superpowers were only useful for taking out the human population, which they were going to do with the terraforming anyway.

That, and I think Zod was hardwired (genetically engineered) to preserve whatever he could of his home planet. That was one of the central themes of the movie, about these people having a purpose set from birth and never being able to deviate from it.


Zod was just stupid evil for the sake of plot convenience. Supes needed a punching bag, so Zod was just irrationally evil so Kal had a space Nazi to facepunch through buildings.

"Yes, the atmo makes us superhuman, lets change the atmosphere."
"I need the codex to make sure my species doesn't GO EXTINCT... lets risk the very few kryptonians we have left to start a war, with ONE OF US on THE OTHER SIDE. You know, as opposed to asking for the codex... or negotiating in good faith for it. Or even pretending to be friendly if I wanna go evil later after securing the Codex. Nope risking the lives of the very few members of my endangered species left in a conflict is the OBVIOUS choice."

I can think of about 5 other ways that Zod was just stupid evil to be a villain because the writers couldn't come up with anything better. Its just bad writing. Not to mention with such an irrational and stupid leader... why no mutiny within the Kryptonian rank. Even the henchmen were just "we'll follow this guy right into our own extinction... YARRRRRR."

And that wasn't even as badly written as the Jon Kent stuff. MoS was just layer upon layer of bad writing and filmmaking. Like a Russian nesting doll of suck.

"Who built this f#(%!^g police station." -- Leon Kennedy


lets risk the very few kryptonians we have left to start a war, with ONE OF US on THE OTHER SIDE.

From Zod's POV there was no risk. Kal-El was a farmboy, and posed zero threat... or so he thought. That was the point.

Even the henchmen were just "we'll follow this guy right into our own extinction...

Again, they were genetically engineered that way. They were designed to be followers with blind obedience to their general.

Did you miss some of the main points of the movie?


Its not about him being "a threat" its about him being a Kryptonian. You know a fellow member of Zod's very endangered species. Why kill him, Zod didn't like Jor, sure but... as far as he knows though Kal never met Jor. And again, why evil right away. What if the codex is incomplete or damaged? Wouldn't it be (I don't know) somewhat rational to do everything possible to preserve every bit of Kryptonian life. Sure humans may be technologically inferior... but a glance at the planet would reveal there are billions of us down here. Why war? Why not even an attempt at an accord. Because stupid evil, for plot reasons because of bad writing.

And genetically engineered that way? Like Jor-El was. You know the guy who was genetically engineered to be a scientist who presumably wouldn't question the Kryptonian genetic protocols yet in the face of grave danger to their species managed to reject his genetic programming in order to help preserve Kryptonian life. It can happen once... but not ever again for some reason. You know in the face of a completely irrational leader risking extinction because he didn't like some kid's dad?

I didn't miss the main points... the main points were badly written.

"Who built this f#(%!^g police station." -- Leon Kennedy


From Zod's POV there was no risk. Kal-El was a farmboy, and posed zero threat... or so he thought. That was the point.

Like Kal-El's father? A science nerd beat up a top genetically engineered general. Not outsmarted him. Beat him up.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


Zod's one and only goal is for the procreation of the race. It's what drives him at a level of sheer biological engineering. Martha Kent (rofl Martha), told him that he nearly died as a baby adjusting to the atmosphere. Super-powers aren't worth risking nearly the entire population of the race even if the possible reward is exceptional. Besides, how do you maintain a society when everyone has god powers. Everyone would be corrupt, it'd be impossible to maintain law and order because it'd be impossible to imprison anybody. At any time any one member could obliterate the entire world.

What does an Italian say when he moves to Canada? I use to live in a boot.

reply Hope this scene explains it. Imagine living in an atmosphere that is not made for you, like if you were climbing MT Everest without the oxygen tank every day, living will be sheer suffering.
