MovieChat Forums > Connors' War (2006) Discussion > There are no nerve endings in your eyes!

There are no nerve endings in your eyes!

You can't feel pain on your eyes. Anasthetics are not required to stick a needle in someone's eye. Opthalmalogists (not Optometrists like Nia Peeple's character--they fit people for glasses!) do it all the time in catarac surgery!


can't feel pain on your eyes? then explain why a person feels pain when they get poked in the eye, or even better, why is there extreme discomfort when someone gets the slightest bit of debris or a lash in their eye? i read about an American soldier who sustained grave injuries to his eyes from shrapnel, in an interview he said something along the lines of "i can still see, but it HURTS when i try to open them, so i just keep them closed"... emphasis on HURTS, you know, like PAIN?

so its safe to say you don't know what you're talking about there, Dr Funkbomb


The OP should test his theory by sticking a pen into his eye and then telling us if he felt any pain or not.


LOL! What the hell is the op talking about?

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


The eyes are actually one of the most sensitive parts of your body. They have an extremely high number of pain receptors to reduce the risk of damage to your eyes (if you didn't feel any pain on your eyes, you wouldn't water up or blink so much when a piece of dirt got stuck in them or even when they are hit with cold air).


What? Have you ever gotten a scratch on your eyeball? It's annoying as all get out. Try throwing sand in your eye and get back to us when your tears stop running and you can type.

Who's the guy that first spelled Phonetics?
