Review at Dread Central

The Foywonder posted a review for the TV movie at Dread Central. Enjoy!


Foywonder doesn't know crap.

Although I did fell asleep when I watched it again from 1 to 3 am. It's a good movie, but not even a good movie can keep me awake at those hours.

Gamers Addiction Forum


The reviewer is all wet. "Foywonder" is so eager to trash the movie that he completely missed the point of the movie, which is that Bobby Quinn is a type of character never seen before. He is a zombie crimefighter in the same mold as Nicolas Knight on Forever Knight.

"Foywonder" sounds like the standard dime-a-dozen movie reviewer who emphasizes everything bad he can find and overlooks everything good. Life is too short to have to read drivel like that day after day.

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.


Dread Central are a bunch of fat nerds who are wannabe filmmakers and all they do is trash everything that they don't have a fruity fan-boy man-crush on. Especially that dork who calls himself "foywonder." What the hell kind of a nerdy name is that anyway? I haven't even seen this Dead & Deader movie yet, but I'm sure it's not as bad as the Dread Central geeks make it out to be. I bet if Kevin Smith or Rob Zombie had made the movie they (like every wannbe filmmaker fan-boy critic) would be nut-hugging the flick and praising it like it's the second coming of Romero.
