the phenomenauts!

Theres an awesome Rockabilly/surf/garage sci-fi band from Oakland,Ca. There song galactic pioneers plays at the end when the credits roll. Be sure to check em out. There on youtube, myspace, and the have a web site. They are so frickin' good in concert. Many say they sound like devo.


they are awesome, too bad the entire song was interrupted by scifi commercials which we already see enough of. they gave the song 3 seconds air time. they are also great live

"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."
-Emma Goldman


yeah i sent an email about that to the Phenomenauts' myspace, and Steve K. (co-writer of Dead & Deader)replied the next day (which was very cool)saying,

"Thanks for watching the movie. I too agree that it's completely lame that The Phenomenauts song got chopped up during end credits. This is standard procedure for the Sci Fi Channel to promote their upcoming movies/shows during various programs' end credits. I had spoken to Commander Angel Nova in advance and told his this would probably be the case. I'm sure there was some other show/movie's end credits that were used to promote "Dead & Deader." Still, I hope you enjoyed the film. When it comes out on dvd in April 2007 the end credits and the song "Galactic Pioneers" will run completely uninterruped as they are supposed to. You will also be able to see the names of all the people who worked on the film, including each member of the Phenomenauts listed in the "Special Thanks To" section. Also, on the dvd's audio commentary track, which was recorded last weekend, The Phenomenauts are mentioned.

Steve K. (co-writer of Dead & Deader)

ps-- FYI, in my original vision of the film script, I wanted The Phenomenauts to be playing at the bar that Dean Cain and his buddy wander in to, but for production reasons we couldn't make it happen."


i saw them play live with the epoxies once! they rock. "EARTH IS THE BEST" lol
