MovieChat Forums > Dead & Deader (2006) Discussion > Did anyone notice when Dean picks up the...

Did anyone notice when Dean picks up the M16

Did anyone notice when Dean picks up the the M16, inserts the mag, and then pulls the charging the handle the bolt locks to the rear. He then has to press the bolt release which mean the mag was empty that he put into the gun.


That's the least inaccurate thing about this movie. The soldiers are wearing their uniforms wrong, there is an overall cheap look to the movie that I can't really put my finger on.


You have a good eye for details. I noticed that he pulled the charging handle but not the bolt release. To me that means that he has had some firearms training, and that the director hasn't.

People sometimes cycle the slides repeatedly on their semiauto pistols in these movies, as though they're not sure whether there's a round in the chamber or not. I was glad to see they didn't do that in this movie, and also that in the bar scene where Dean starts shooting zombies, he's only able to shoot five of them before the revolver is empty.

The military uniforms may not have been one hundred percent accurate, but I doubt that many people will notice or care other than trivia buffs. And that's probably true for any firearms-related details as well. Sometimes it's fun to catch the goofs like this, but catching a few of them is not always a reason to downgrade the movie.

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.


The military uniforms may not have been one hundred percent accurate, but I doubt that many people will notice or care other than trivia buffs.

The military uniforms were 100% WRONG. All these so called soldiers were wearing the old Desert Storm 1 (circa 1991) pattern camo, something that's been out of service for over 13 years!!! In fact the ARMY has changed combat uniforms TWICE since then (3 color DCU and now ACU). That's like outfitting soldiers in a Viet Nam Movie with World War Two uniforms. It looks stupid. And yes, I doubt most of the public who have never served would notice all the things WRONG with the Class A (the dress ones for the layperson) uniforms, it sure made ME cringe. If it weren't important, than why do so many big budget pictures make sure it looks completely right and authentic? BTW the african American comic relief character would NOT have been allowed to wear his ghetto ethnic 'bling bling' silver chains while in uniform. that's just insulting to the very professional and dedicated African American men and women in uniform today. Ugh....


Wow StoneGriffin, ease up. This was what is commonly referred to as a "movie", people watch them for "entertainment". This is also a zombie movie, NOT a historical film. They proably gave him his "bling" to add a little character to him. Being this critical over a sci-fi channel low budget zombie flick is a bit daft. I mean, no he probably wouldnt be allowed to wear those chains, spider man couldnt shoot out webs from his wrists, sylvester stallone couldnt be a boxing champion at 60, cyborgs from the future dont exist, and oh yeah...NEITHER DO ZOMBIES! (unless you ask Max Brooks :) ). I mean isnt a zombie virus carried by beetles a little less authentic than some innaccurate uniforms? Relax and just enjoy a movie for christsakes


Dude last time I checked its illegal for movies to have completely accurate uniforms displayed.


it's still illegal. By law, when an actor portrays military personal in a movie or TV show they are required to be what the military call, out of uniform. For example, ribbons or medals out of order, or improper insignia on clothing or hats. This is so that technically they are not impersonating military personal.


Did anyone catch that this movie was about ZOMBIES created from bugs??? You wanna try that "realism" argument again?? lol, good catch on the firearm usage though. Most people, including me, wouldn't have noticed.


So according to your post, the filmmakers are breaking the law by showing current ACU uniforms on television. Films like 28 weeks later, or Stargate SG-1 or Stargate Atlantis show current MARPAT or USAF uniforms which are perfect. Hey wait a minute. We should arrest all the actors who were in the show Penscola Wings of Gold or JAG. They wore perfect Naval uniforms. Also your theory doesn't explain why any low budget movie would have uniforms that are so completely wrong it would be akin to wearing world war ONE uniforms in a movie about the Korean war. "Gee we MUST be wrong, so we'll be SUPER WRONG"......


>posted by GutterJim on Thu Mar 29 2007 21:32:48
>it's still illegal. By law, when an actor portrays military personal
>in a movie or TV show they are required to be what the military call,
>out of uniform. For example, ribbons or medals out of order, or
>improper insignia on clothing or hats. This is so that technically they are >not impersonating military personal.

Again, I don't know where you got your information, but thats complete bull.


it's still illegal. By law, when an actor portrays military personal in a movie or TV show they are required to be what the military call, out of uniform. For example, ribbons or medals out of order, or improper insignia on clothing or hats. This is so that technically they are not impersonating military personal.

This is a myth. There is no such law.


>Posted by BigDogLuke on Wed Dec 20 2006 13:59:04
>Dude last time I checked its illegal for movies to have completely accurate >uniforms displayed.

Sorry, I just checked with several MAJOR motion picture costume/wardrobe rental houses AND I checked with friends who were high ranking officers in the Army and the Navy.

This statement is COMPLETELY false.

The only laws are against the wearing of a uniform for illegal activities, ACTIVE IMPERSONATION, for use in evading apprehension, or gaining access to a military installation or gaining access to materials or information or items which are only available to military personnel.




That's not a valid comparison. The audience is expected to suspend disbelief for the basic premise of a movie. But to have a Zombie movie, and then throw something wrong (like suddenly having all the automobiles be able to FLY or to have a six shooter revolver fire one hundred rounds without reloading) is idiotic. I've heard that reasoning before, and it's false reasoning.

It's no excuse for stupid mistakes.

Per your reasoning, everyone in a sci fi or horror or fantasy movie could WEAR whatever they wanted and it would be all good. I could watch Star Wars and expect the stormtroopers to be wearing pink TUTUs, since HEY! it's scifi/fantasy, so anything goes right?



Actually I didn't make the original post/observation about the M16, even though I'm trained on those things and I would have noticed it, I don't tend to bitch about things THAT small. I groan when I see gun mistakes but so many of them are so prevalent that one just has to throw up their hands and give up (my fave is the 6 shot revolver that fires 30 shots without reloading). My contribution to this thread was the absolutely CRAPPY uniforms that looked like refugees from a GOODWILL store. Now even my friends who did NOT serve in the military made comments about how bad they looked. People have been exposed to such things on shows like JAG, or Stargate or other shows where we see GOOD examples of military uniforms, so when they're REALLY Bad people tend to notice.



What branch of service? How long ago? Now some filmmakers could get a few ridiculous things past me if they were portraying the US NAVY, since I'm really only familiar with officer khaki or summer whites/chokerwhites regs. But the Army? Lots of folks are familiar with how the army looks and I would certainly notice uniforms that are over a GENERATION out of date...


Did u notice that the soldier that Dean killed in the Kitchen had a long pony tale. Also how many mess halls in the millitary have only One cook working during a shift, not to mention how is he able to have a shotgun in the kitchen when they inspect in there from time to time.
