really good

What a great series. They should make more like this. Longer than a movie, so you can go at a slower pace and include more intrigue, but not so long that actors loose interest and move on to another show ruining it (I'm looking at you, Downton Abbey and you, LOST).

Super enjoyed Jason Isaacs and yes, I'm used to him being the bad guy, so he was great as the hero. Really talented. And Lennie James, great job too.

Watch this if you get the chance, it's a super fun thriller to try and figure out. You have to get to a few shows in to really know what is going on but that is half the fun. The show treats you as an intelligent thinker and doesn't hand you everything right up front. Kudos all around.


I agree. I enjoyed it. Another one you might like if you liked this is Rubicon, which is another intelligent thriller.

I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' mother%!, mother%! I'm Superfly T.N.T., I'm the Guns of the Navarone!

