Series 2

The second series was announced as 12 episodes. However, what Red / One Eyed Dog / BBC now have on sale to TV companies is shown as 'series 2, 6 x 60'.

Can anyone confirm whether the 12 eps. have been cut in half as series two and three, perhaps for late 2006, then early 2007? Or, has the 12 been cut down to six as a result of the disappointing ratings? And if so, whether the final ep. is conclusive?


Series 2 was cut down from 12 eps to just 6. It isn't too split it into two series they just picked the best storylines they had and went with those six. Post production is still ongoing for some of the last eps but make sure you watch the series as the storylines are much better this series and there are a few suprises in store.


Does anyone know if Joe will be back? *fingers crossed he will*


Believe it or not, I've only just read your reply, Luvinit.

Many thanks for the information.

Having now seen series two, I agree it *was* much better, and I do hope there will be more.
