MovieChat Forums > Drive (2007) Discussion > best shows fox cancelled

best shows fox cancelled

Titus-My favorite show of all time!

John Doe-One of my top 10 most missed

Brimstone-One of my top 10 most missed

Firefly-Amazing show! One of my top 10 most missed

Tru Calling-One of my top 10 most missed [Got screwed when it came back for its second season]

The Adventures of Brisco County Jr-One of my top 10 most missed

The Lone Gunmen-One of the best spin off's of all time

Herman's Head-One of my top ten most missed

Justice-One of my top ten most missed [Did not get a a real chance]

Stand Off-One of my top ten most missed

Parker Lewis Can't Lose-Almost made the top ten

Point Pleasant-Would have liked it better if they didn't make it so clear that it was made specifically to replace Tru Calling.

Freaky Links-Horrid X-Files wannabe

21 Jump Street-I watched that religiously when I was a kid

Arrested Development - Way over rated.

Family Guy - Love it! [SO SO SO SO HAPPY IT CAME BACK LOVE IT!!!!]

American Dad (if it is indeed gone) - I love this show!

Andy Richter Controls the Universe-It was good.

Get a Life-I can't remember anything about it

The Loop-it was average at best

Life On A Stick-Most bring comedy ever

The Critic-Jon Lovits bugs me

Action-It was ok, but nothing special

Futurama-It's coming back, isn't it?

The OC, Reunion, North Shore, Etc-Third rate Melrose Place rip offs

The Tick-An insult to the cartoon and comic of the same name

Dark Angel-Would have been better without UN-original Cindy ?????

Undeclared-Watched it on DVD and there were too many really annoying characters.

Greg the Bunny-Loved it. Bought the DVD, but I think it had run it's course

Profit-That was one f'ed up show. I loved it and hope to buy the DVD someday. he is on Heroes now.

Wonderfalls-Wasn't that a Wonder Years wannbe?

Stacked-Women wouldn't give it a chance because it had P.A. and men were mad because it was intelligent.

Boston Public-That show was good but I think it had run it's course.

The Bernie Mac Show-I hated that show more then you can imagine

Drive-It did not even get a fair try



Oh...I rememered one that wasn't on your list. "Strange Luck"...great show! Ended on a cliffhanger, like "John Doe".



I loved strange luck too!


I loved Strange Luck and another Fox show that wasn't given a chance - The Visitor. Fox had the opportunity to be different and ballsy, and instead they want to be more cookie cutter. . .

Has Standoff actually been cancelled? I heard it had a spot midseason?

You were asleep. I was bored.


Props for adding Tru Calling. I loved that show so much. The 2nd season had a really great premise with her saving someone who didn't ask for help, and it never got the chance. At least the virtual season is pretty good.


virtual season....?



John Doe and Tru Calling were really good, but most of the shows should have gone.


Arrested Development was not overrated. It was really, really funny and intelligent. All of the other shows mentioned, besides Firefly, Tru Calling and Boston Public (Great TV), deserved to be canceled when it was.


i agree... AD was not over rated!
i miss ad


Firefly was was Wonderfalls. It is not a wonder years rip off. It's a quirky comedy about a girl who has to help people to make animals stop talking to her. It was well done and hilarious.
I refused to watch Tru Calling, she should have done the Faith spinoff that was offered to her.


The Inside was another one...


I agree, but i did enjoy Futurama and am pleased that new episodes will start next year on Comedy Central.


Space: Above and Beyond by the guys who did XFiles...great scifi, great action, special effects, and stories they pulled from WWII and Vietnam...great one that I miss every time.


so copy the list and add the show you miss



uhhhh... no one, and i mean NO ONE says ANYTHING bad about 'wonderfalls' and gets away with it. a 'wonder years' wannabe?... hardly. 'wonderfalls' was easily the best show i've seen in the 32 years of my life. tim minear (drive, angel, firefly), bryan fuller (dead like me, heroes) and todd holland (malcolm in the middle, the larry sanders show) created show was the best thing any of them could have possibly done. hilarious with a dark undertone... brilliant.

'drive' had plenty of 'wonderfalls' veterans in it as well. nathan's sister (katie finneran) was in both. beth grant (the waitress in the diner) was the muffin buffalo lady (and if she was also in angel as i seem to remember she was a tim minear hat trick!)

even shows i didn't necessarily like in that list (arrested development, titus, freaky links, tru calling [sorry dushku, i just didn't like it]) i still felt like they were worthy of their audience. i actually feel kinda sad i don't like arrested development. i just don't like david cross and most of the characters were just deplorable people. the jokes were great, but i hated the characters which was sort of the point, anyway.

a lot of the shows mentioned weren't killed before their time. they had a bit of a run. in fox's defense, they didn't "fox" them too early. they had a chance, unless you count in the fact that they were probably moved to a new time slot every week over several seasons... parker lewis, jumpstreet, herman's head, titus, and aressted development all had 3 seasons each. they just didn't cut it. most were critical hits with no audience. that's just how they go.

the shows i feel sorry for are the ones that air on a mid season friday night only to have understandably low number debuts (especially considering the usual lack of previous advertising) only to be moved around in following weeks, not only preventing it from gaining an audience, but also losing it's base audience that it started off with. leave a show put and let word of mouth and some heavy advertising aid the show. they say that if you're lost in a snowstorm that it's best to dig a hole in the snow and stay put. you'll be more likely to be found if you're not wandering around and exposing yourself to the elements. stupid fox.

from now on i suggest that everyone in any forum replace the word "cancel" with "fox". make it a new language addition. if the word "fox" is associated with negativity and the lexicon is adjusted to encompass our disappointment it will send a future message to those... those... MEANIES!

catching a cold is quick this time, but fish?... fish may take a while.


Even though their news agenda is reprehensible, Fox is still a good network for testosterone-heavy programming, filled with handsome males to deliver expository dialogue, ignore the advice of colleagues, play maverick with a gun, bully, intimidate and shoot his way out of any situation and have sex with every curvaceous carbon-based lifeform within reach.

That being said, The Inside, The Jury, Vanished and John Doe are the 4 most "foxed" programs that can be said to have potential but got canned because of politics and bickering. John Doe however, needed to be reworked, as it had an awkward plot and its eponymous main character needed to expand his list of daily rituals other than "solve crimes with my famously big brain that has information anyone with an internet connection can come up with."

-A politician convinces you he'll solve the unemployment problem if you just give him a job-


Now let's narrow this down to only the shows that have been cancelled mid first season! Shows get cancelled all the time, hell even Friends was cancelled eventually. Most shows only last 1 to 2 seasons anyway. I can think of 4 great shows cancelled mid first season (3 of which were FOX shows);

LIFE ON A STICK -- seriously it was my favourite show when it was on for a whole of 13 episodes. Fred and Laz are my HEROES!!

BLACK DONNELLYS -- not FOX, but still an amazing show, I was addicted, and it got cancelled. Again only 13 episodes.

FIREFLY -- This is one of my TOP 3 shows, it's amazing. Thankfully Joss Whedon in all his glory was able to revive it; long enough to make a movie, and give the show an ending; GO JOSS!!

DRIVE -- I only started watching it last night. (That's the joy of working the night shift, you never see anything when it's on TV). I'm addicted, all to find out it was cancelled before it was even given a chance. I must say in the 4 episodes I've had the pleasure of watching, it's jumped up to one of my top 3 favourite shows.

I'm scared, because my other top 3 show, happens to be on Fox as well. So far Fox seems to be a death sentence, I'm very scared for Bones.

There should be rules against cancelling shows mid season. I think if it's decided it's not doing as well as hoped, they should have to atleast finish the season. Give the show an ending.


johnny zero was pretty good too... i dont watch tv on a friday night... but for this one i was setting my vcr

Im french... I don't care about my english spelling, deel with it!


I liked "Get A Life" with Chris Elliott and "Grounded for Life".


Titus, John Doe, Brimstone, Firefly and Tru Calling were some of the best shows cancelled. I still watch them whenever they show.


not only fox shuts down great show's what about farscape , one of the best sci-fo shows ever


fastlane great show. arrested development famiky guy and futurama


I MISS TRU CALLING SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH....i was pissed when they didnt at least finish out that season. It was the ONLY show i was watching for a while and then boom, its cancelled. :(

"No Day But Today!!!!"


I really liked Wonderfalls too. I was disappointed when it just stopped. I haven't got around to buying the DVD set for it yet, but I do know that it played on the LOGO channel. I'm not sure if it still does, because it's been over a year since I watched it on there.


My Favorite Fox Shows That Were Cancelled, or Ended.

*Grounded For Life
*Malcom In The Middle
*Unanioums (sp)
*My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance

All the others sucked that were cancelled.

Traveler-Wed. @ 10 on ABC!


I will miss Malcolm In The Middle as well, but I personally thought it ended well. The final episode was probably my favorite episode ever. This could be because it coincided with my sister going off to college (Ivy League too) and my whole family being left to deal with financial aid.


wat was true calling about i remeber watching it and liking it i just cant remeber wat it was about


Tru Calling had Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She played a medical student working in the morgue who could go back and change a person's fated death. Toward the end Jason Priestly, or one of the guys from 90210, came in as her evil counterpart who would try to sabotage her saving of lives. It is showing on SciFi now.
