MovieChat Forums > Drive (2007) Discussion > Why I think Drive failed...

Why I think Drive failed...

It's a show called Drive, about an illegal cross country race. The previews showed mostly people being involved in high speed pursuits. The focus on the show: People.

I'm a car guy, I think that in the beginning that the show drew gearheads like me, and after seeing the first episode, stopped watching because cars were barely even mentioned. I wasn't looking for another '24,' I wanted something that was like a Miami Vice/Nash Bridges/Magnum PI/Dukes Of Hazard Car Chase for around half an hour.

They focused on people, driving horribly, except the guy with the Trans Am and the Lowrider, though those cars were still pushed into the background. Now if the mom stole her husband's Porsche, sticking a baby seat in the back, it would have made better TV.

Next time somebody tries and does a show about a cross-country race, make sure you focus on the cars as much as the people.


like the other gut said
"" the reson is that peolpe are stuiped and would rather see a stupied show like deal or no deal. Or watch Celibertys Dance like freeking idiots on Dancing with the Stars. Then watch a GOOD SHOW that has action, drama, cars, racing, and Nathan Fillion. Also i think Fox has a Vendetta with Nathan Fillion.

i know the truth sucks but it the truth is never pretty and nice
also FOx is full of dumbass's


If you are going to insult someone's intelligence.....spell the insult correctly....please. Also, oh course fox has a vendetta against Nathan Fillion, thats why they made him the lead in this show and spent all that advertising money, just to annoy Nathan.


They have this tendency to not be fond of the messages in the shows. I never started watching Drive and I'm kind of glad I didn't because I would probably be really pissed off about the cancellation, especially after all I've heard about Firefly (am still being converted by a friend). Fox has many issues, and stating that they cancelled it due to it having a negative effect on 24 is a big fat lie. If anything 24's ratings are starting to suck because the show is. Anyway, this is just turning into one big Fox rant so I'll end it here.

"Our lives are one masque ball." ~ Gaston Leroux


I agree with this except I think they have something against Tim Minear. I don't know why he keeps making pilots for that network. They always air them in the summer or Friday at 8PM when they don't have any chance of getting enough viewers. I know I'm not watching television in the evenings in summer, I'm outside enjoying the weather. And Friday at 8 has always been the timeslot where FOX shows went to die. Airing show at these times are never going to make them widely popular but at this point they're not even bringing in the Tim Minear fans who know his writing from Angel, Firefly, etc.. Although I'm a huge fan of Tim Minear's past shows I didn't even watch this because I knew fox would cancel it after two episodes and, of course, they did.


seriously dude, spell checker!


"the reson is that peolpe are stuiped and would rather see a stupied show like deal or no deal. Or watch Celibertys Dance like freeking idiots on Dancing with the Stars"

Are you ten years old? I realize this post was made a long time ago but christ, I hope you've learned to spell better since then.
I was like an egg rolling through time until I was 21. Then the egg cracked and I popped out.


like the other gut said
"" the reson is that peolpe are stuiped and would rather see a stupied show like deal or no deal. Or watch Celibertys Dance like freeking idiots on Dancing with the Stars. Then watch a GOOD SHOW that has action, drama, cars, racing, and Nathan Fillion. Also i think Fox has a Vendetta with Nathan Fillion.

i know the truth sucks but it the truth is never pretty and nice
also FOx is full of dumbass's

Funniest post I've read all day. Based upon the content (notably the last line), it appears to have been written by a Fox employee.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


Had it been a show like you described they would've lost viewers like me. So we essentially cancel each others viewership out :)

If I were to use your examples, I would venture that the demo that makes up 24 viewers is a larger group than Nash Bridges viewers. Ergo, Drive would've had an even smaller audience than it did if it went that route. Potentially making it a bigger flop than it was.

Of course if it went that route, it would've had to have been cast, directed, and marketed differently, and might've succeeded, albeit in a much smaller way than they were obviously aiming for.

In the end it's impossible to tell.


Drive failed for one reason and one reason only: Fox Executives are morons.

Drive was placed as a mid-season replacement and started during a time when most shows were in re-runs or winding up toward May sweeps. That's actually two blows against it from the get-go, since even though it was competing against a lot of re-runs, it's also a time that regular TV viewers tune-out a bit. Next, Fox started off by basically running 3 episodes in one week, which is great for viewers that are hooked in; but lousy if you want to allow 'buzz' to grow. Does anyone remember seeing promos for this? Hello, some networks are actually buying advertising on other networks to promote shows that are already successful. I don't think Drive had a decent, much less a successful promo campaign. Finally, they pulled the plug before the show had a chance to show how many people it could attract. By the time I had told all my friends to watch it was gone. And insult to injury, they run re-runs in its place instead of airing the episodes that were already made and paid for.

I'll say up front that I'm a Tim Minear and Nathan Fillion fan; but with that said, I was still a skeptic when I heard the show described as a "Canon Ball Run" update. I thought even Minear can't pull that one off; but I did enjoy that flick when I was a kid and I'm a loyal fan; so I checked it out. As a scriptwriter and filmmaker, I was amazed by how fast the show sucked me in. Within 10 minutes I wasn't watching Alex Tully; but the whole cast. I usually hate the first episodes of everything because the pace is slowed down by all the exposition. This show didn't have that problem; so it should have succeeded.

As for vendetta's... well, I'm not sure Fox has it in for Nathan Fillion specifically; but they sure seem to yank Tim Minear around more than his share and that has scooped Fillion into the damage as well a couple of times.

Fox needs new executives who have a clue about how to build viewership and how to promote and launch a new show.


YES I like that reason: FOX execs are morons, I'm gonna go with that as well.

As for poor Nathan Fillon, he's just always in the wrong place at the wrong time, I'm actually shocked he gave FOX a second chance, I would probably have used the "Screw me once, shame on you" principle and turned them down

The problem is, they aired the show at the wrong time literally and figuratively. The time slot was horrible and the time of the season it was introduced was a time when too many other shows with high ratings were being aired.

They should have waited until a time like NOW to have released this show, then more bored people would have tuned in, instead, so very few people tuned in that FOX (being the "geniuses" they are) cancelled it insead of rescheduling or re-releasing it at a future date.


More than likely Nathan Fillion gave Fox a second chance because he is an actor and wanted to work.


Drive failed for one reason and one reason only: Fox Executives are morons.

Long after the fact, I can say this is not the case: The audiences are morons.

This claim is justified since both Fox and NBC listened to the fan gripes, and kept at least two shows going despite disappointing numbers a few years later -- Journeyman (NBC) and Dollhouse (Fox). Both had poor to declining numbers despite both networks making an open commitment to keeping the shows on for an extended period. Journeyman made it to 12 eps, while Dollhouse made it to essentially a full season (two short seasons).

I was the "show editor" for a TV fansite for Dollhouse during its run. I asked in the forums why people weren't watching it. The answer I got essentially boiled down to "I couldn't pigeonhole it and the characters within the first episode". Seriously. The reason why only the same-old-same-old gets put on TV is really more about too many couch potatoes unwilling to give a show time to develop. If it's intelligent, they don't want to watch it, because they have to be too patient while things become clear.

The simple fact is, the networks need bigger numbers than the cable nets or Netflix -- and so the latter can produce smaller and more interesting, "intelligent" shows. It's not going to change.

P.S., if anyone is reading this right now, 2013, I'd suggest the following Dramas:

Blacklist (ABC)
Person of Interest (CBS)
House of Cards (Netflix)

There are other shows that are good but the other one I'd recommend just finished, "Breaking Bad".


In my mind, the show failed because it was too cluttered. It was hard to feel too connected to any of the characters because they were presented in such a choppy manner. I wanted to watch Fillion's struggles. I wanted to watch the soldier and his stupid girlfriend, I wanted to watch the mom, but trying to watch them all gave me a sense of schizophrenia (especially seeing as how I mentioned half of the story arcs in the show). It didn't begin with enough of a centralizing story. It began with a sort of shotgun approach to getting us involved and I was too frustrated to feel very dialed in.
That's my opinion at least.


that is sooo how i felt! I wanted to love it because I love nathan fillion and tim minear, but unlike lost, it didn't catch me in the first ep. From the minute the plane crashed in lost, i cared about every character, but i wasn't overwhelmed. I wanted to care about the characters on Drive, but I just couldn't. I never felt connected to them. So, I didn't care.

You're like rich guy kryptonite...
Dick Casablancas, the Jayne of Veronica Mars


see? that is the COMPLETE opposite of my reaction.. I saw the commercials.. and thought.. well I LIKE Dylan Baker (still not what one would call a Browncoat, but I have found Firefly and enjoy it as well as some of the castmember's other shows later on. aka Castle, Chuck, Dollhouse). But.. from the moment when Charles Martin Smith showed up. actually when his name showed up in the credits.. I was psyching up for the show to start... then Brian Bloom showed up.. and Amy Acker (whom I didn't know by name at that point.. I don't think.. just as Fred on Angel). and THAT guy who played the creepy preacher on Buffy season 7 (like I said.. BEFORE I saw Firefly).

But.. as for Lost.. I was actually psyched to see it.. liked some of the cast.. and Terry O'Quinn can do NO wrong in my eyes.. but.. that first episode just bored me.. and I tuned out after that.. not that I am knocking people who have enjoyed the show for the last 6 years.. I just notice it funny how.. people can.. respond so differently to the same thing.


What kind of IDIOT wants to watch a show about PEOPLE!?

Amy Acker: She's Ackerific!
Phrase Copyright (c) Dan Corson


You know why the show failed?

It didn't make sense. I wanted to like this but I was board halfway through the first episode.

I had no idea what was going on. When I have to go to Wikipedia and look up the synopsis then you know the writing is bad.

Which is what was wrong.

Do I CAUSE YOUR DEATH? Just like you caused Erin's?


Then you probably need to have a bigger attention span and you probably need to comprehend the story better. Not the show's fault.

Lucille: Get me a vodka rocks.
Michael: Mom, it’s breakfast.
Lucille: And a piece of toast.


See my earlier comment about the audiences being morons as to why the show failed. The above is a prime example. It took more than a half hour to pigeonhole the entire thing, and that's Just Too Long for a literal, not figurative, potato.


I completely agree with you there. One of the things I heard about Now You See me was it was too confusing. I thought it was a well done case of manipulation, to the point I had no clue who was behind the 4 Horseman. Either way, Fox does crappy with shows, Firefly, Drive, Jericho, all good shows that I felt got cancelled way too early.


april is not a good time to premiere any show.
deciding that a mostly unadvertised show is not getting enough ratings after 2 episodes, and pulling the plug after the 4th had aired and 6th shot, also not a good idea.
airing those 2 missed episodes in july, instead of anywhere near when the show was still on the air, bad idea.
rescheduling the 2 episodes to a later date and not telling anyone, bad idea.

all fox's mistakes. not the show's not the writer's, not fillion's.
what sucks is that the one show that nathan fillion is in now, that probably won't be cancelled that same season, is desperate housewives.
well, we'll see how that turns out. maybe people have started hiring nathan to go around and clean out tv shows they don't want anymore.
that would suck, because he's an amazing actor, but that seems to be the recent trend.


I think it failed as it started too slow (amongst all the FOX reasons)

Eps 5-6 really kicked if off, and I would have loved to have seen 7 onwards, but I could have happy have done without 1-3 (other than the plot line of course), it started too slow, big shame though it was looking really good by the end :(


I think it failed because there were too many story lines with too many people! The same could be said for the show Windfall; too many characters. I cant get into these kinda shows cuz everytime I pick a couple to stay with they cut to too many different stories, but not in a good soap opera kinda way. In Drive they should have kept it down to Nathan Fillion's story line and maybe two other couples. Then maybe it would have worked. I didn't pay enough attention to know if the script was really bad or not though.


I actually disagree with that...part of the genius of the show was that people were getting kicked out of the race every episode. While it's true that some of them tried to find a way back in (and I don't think I ever did catch the last two episodes, so I don't know how any of that worked out), the device helped to focus your attention on the important characters.


Heroes had as many charachters as this show, and Heroes still has more.

They all in time need to over time develope.

Heroes had plenty of time to develope all there charachters.

While in Drive, they only had what? 5-7 episodes? thats it? anyways i connected with the charachters, all of them were unique and were portrayed pretty interestingly before dying off.

Did people really expect Drive to be highly realistic? come on... really now...

And seriously we don't even know anything about the corporation yet... it's just another bad decision made by fox.

Drive was one of the best series to hit TV.


I liked it more than I like Castle. I loved Nathan's character. There was more depth to his character. Castle is ok, but the only reason I have continued to watch it is because Nathan Fillion is in it. I liked many of the characters on Drive. I liked all the different story lines. It was just so much more intersting. I don't understand... :(

"We live in a primitive time... Neither savage nor wise." -Hannibal Lecter


this was the only Fox show in years I had ever gotten excited about. They had an amazing website, which they never advertised (BIG mistake), the show always had something going on and the commercials never gave too much away. I was so angry when they cancelled this. Fox never seems to keep anything worthwhile in their programming, hence why shows like Family Guy and Get Real among many many others have met their maker long before their time. Luckily Family Guy was brought back thanks to a powerful letter writing campaign. But now, in the time of the Writers Strike, everything's in reruns, too many reality shows, why not give us the opportunity to see the rest of it?! Do one kinda "catch up/refresher" episode so we can get back into it, then let it run its course. Its not like Fox has anything worthwhile on right now anyway right? I know a lot of people didnt like it, and thats their prerogative, but there are a ton of us out there who would LOVE to see how it all goes down..who ends up with the money? Does the father die? Does the wife tell her husband hes been called back to duty?! Does Nathan Fillions character get his wife back???!! WE NEED TO KNOW FOX!!! WE NEED TO KNOW!!!

I love a man with a southern drawl
