wtf I missed season 3

last wednesday I watched what I thought was the premier of season 3. I was so excited to have a new season. Then today about to watch the next episode I find out it already aired in 2009 wtf? Where have I been?

So now I know who the winner is,(im still going to watch) but I feel like an idiot for not knowing it was on when it was on. How could I have missed it?
EVERYTIME I saw it playing I went to flip the channel and it was just season 1 or 2 on repeat. I saw no advertisment, no one talked about it being on either.

This sucks


Yeah me too! Well I was teaching english abroad so thats where I was but I tuned in the other night all excited cuz I love this and ANTM. I thought the episode I was watching (with Nikita and the girl from Halifax) was NEW. It was on during prime time so I just thought it was and would they show repeats?


season 3 kind of just popped out of nowhere. then it went missing again

Get prizes with google searches.


It wasn't well advertised. I know a lot of people who were surprised that I'd been watching a new cycle because they didn't know it had been airing.


well crap...I had no clue there was a season 3.
