British Greys

The BBC have to be congratulated for spending ANY money on SF outside of Dr Who.
What astonishes me the most is that after cancelling Dr Who,[even with the crap sfx and low budget] amid howls of anger they then realize their mistake and remake the show with a increased budget which goes on to be the most-watched tv show on the channel.
Even with this data in front of them the execu-bots at the Beeb fail to realize that the science fiction genre SELLS.
Eventually some jobs-worth strings the dots together and money is found to remake and/or develop new SF drama's.
Does the BBC spend a reasonable amount on the concept, no...
They find as little as possible and what they spent is what we get.

It's as though someone at the BBC headquarters who has been there for forty years holds the genre in contempt and insiders who want to develop sf ideas get the short thrift.
IF they continue to make a nuisance of themselves they are fobbed off with a few quid [of OUR cash]a hastily updated bbc script and given their marching orders, allowing the ruffled senior colleague to concentrate on his new reality show's ratings.

Aliens DID land in Britain, they landed in 1980 and never left, you know the ones I mean, they wear grey suits have grey faces and haven't had an original thought since childhood, they can be identified by their use of a bizarre language known as 'pc speak', where concepts are reduced to a level of complete blandness
Passing themselves off as human these 'grey's' first infiltrated 'trade unions' where they systematically destroyed the manufactoring industry, feeding off that success these creatures from another planet infiltrated television, the media and eventually government.

Watch your neighbors, the milkman, even the postman for the early signs of infection.
They want to destroy your world, they know who YOU are. beware.

