I thought I was doing GOD'S work!

LOL, there was some churchie stand at the mall selling Veggie Tales junk, and I walked by him andcasually said "I love your religious propaganda cleverly disguised as children's entertainment" and my boyfriend cracked up laughing. That's right, I'm gay... =P - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxynIvvdUFU
Drawn Together and Wonder Showzen pwnz0rz j00... Pat Robertson is a witch! He cast spells on Senator Renquist!


You're right its so cleverly "disguised". That's why they have stories straight out of the bible and sing songs about God. They aren't trying to disguise anything moron. They are trying to make it so that children can learn about religion and doing the right thing in a way that is NOT boring. But I guess anything that teaches children to be nice to people and say they're sorry is just a bunch of religious nuts trying to brain wash them. We should instead make them watch nothing but South Park and Family Guy so they grow up to be retards like you.

"Everyone you know still calls you 'farty-pants'." - "Weird Al"



Actually I wasn't ever brainwashed, I had to figure out what my beliefs were by myself. And since when was being a christian ever a bad thing anyway? You are the one that missed the point I was making in that if it teaches good things who really cares what religion it is that promotes it?

"Future events such as these will effect you... in the future!" - from Plan 9 From Outer Space



Did it take you a month and a half to type that? We are talking about a freaking children's show here and you are getting a little overly analytical of what the purpose is. Christianity is not a cult that is trying to teach kids to hate sex and black people and other religions. They don't blatantly say the stories are from the Bible? Daniel in the Lion's Den? Jonah and the battle of Jericho? etc. You would have to be total moron not to know these are Bible stories. Who said christianity is a bad thing? Well that is what you are implying isn't it? If not then what is the big deal already if children watch a cartoon that tells them to be nice and have faith in God? If you object so strongly I suggest you show your children different shows. problem solved.

"Visits? That would indicate visitors!" - from Plan 9 From Outer Space



All I'm saying is you are making a big deal out of a harmless children's show and I'm not interested in debating whether it is good or bad when it is obviously good. It sounds like you are doing your partt to raise your children the way you feel is best so like I said before, problem solved.

"Visits? That would indicate visitors!" - from Plan 9 From Outer Space


"Why would I wanna eat liver? I don't even like liver!" A.Y.
